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Were Hyunjin discover some cookies send by one of Felix's friend , but the more he eat and the fatter he get

.˳⁺⁎˚ ꒰ఎ ★ ໒꒱ ˚⁎⁺˳ .

It had already been several weeks since Felix had become friends with a certain Seungmin. He hadn't wanted to tell Hyunjin the reason for their meeting and their sudden friendship maks Hyunjin assumed it revolved around cooking since Felix always came back with various pastries that "Seungmin offered".

Honestly, he'd only had him once, and although at first he was rather skeptical, believing that the dark-haired man was trying to flirt with his boyfriend, when he saw what Chan his boyfriend looked like; a real ball of giant, pungent fat, it only took a few minutes for his judgment to change when he saw how lovey-dovey they were.

So Hyunjin was less jealous of Seungmin and was almost starting to like him, given the number of pastries he brought just for him! Chan was nice too, a very talented music producer who only seemed to go outside if Seungmin went out too. After all, it made sense: the Australian was so fat that he'd hardly seen him walk, and he swore it was hardly possible; his belly was so round and probably so heavy that he wouldn't be surprised if Chan needed scooter for his mobility.

Still, he found it strange that Seungmin didn't care at all and continued to feed Chan, pampering him as if it was just a detail. At least it was clear that he was in love with him!

But enough talk, let's get to the point.

It was Saturday afternoon, and Hyunjin and Felix had planned to spend a lazy day at home until Felix's boss called to ask him to deal with an urgent case. So, for the past two hours, Hyunjin had been bored to death.

But fate heard him and the doorbell rang.

-"I'm coming!" he exclaimed before moving to the door and opening it to see a deliveryman with a small parcel in his hand.

-"I have a delivery for Mr. Lee Felix".

- "That's here, give it to me, I'll sign for him" said Hyunjin, not wanting to disturb her lover who already had to work over the weekend because of his boss.

-"Thank you, goodbye" said the delivery man before Hyunjin closed the door, intrigued by the mysterious box.

At first he even thought his lover had bought a sextoy by the size of the parcel, but it was far too big for something like this, even though he knew his lover's naughty side.

But when he opened the box he saw Seungmin's name and address and was reassured that, as it was a common friend, he could afford to open the box, right? Maybe Seungmin had delivered a recipe or a cooking ustencil!

But when he opened it, he found another box with a strange aroma and a letter.

Curious, he grabbed the box and discovered that they were cookies! The rich aroma of sugar and vanilla blended perfectly together, and Hyunjin couldn't resist taking one before opening the letter and reading it.

What was it? Okay, it was for Felix, but he wouldn't know about it, right?

So he opened the letter and read:

"Lixie, you may tell me you don't care about this and that it's just a detail, but I can see how you envy my relationship with Chan, so give these cookies to Hyunjin and I'm sure you'll like the result ;)"

There was more to read, including a "ps", but Hyunjin thought he heard a noise, so he put the letter away without putting the cookies away. God, they were addictive, as if they'd just come out of the oven!

Hm, it was so delicious that Hyunjin could almost feel the warmth of the cookies spreading through him.

Ah it felt so good

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