Chapter 2

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Okay so sorry for the late. I caught a cold and was hospitalized for a week so I wasn't able to post it. Once again I'm so sorry. It may be a bit too emotional so bear with it.


"I'm done. I'll wait for you at the parking brother "
Said Nobita while standing up from his seat
"Already, but you haven't eaten much. I have prepared all your favorite "
Ask Tamako.
"Yes, baby you should eat more,"
said deniel
"Speaking of which I have also noticed you aren't eating properly. Is there anything bothering you?"
"I'm fine Dad. There is nothing to worry about.
It's just that recently I've had quite a busy schedule that's all."
"If you say so. I'll trust you but if anything happens you'll immediately call us. Either be it Mom and Dad or me, okay?"
Said Daniel
"sure D, now I'm leaving Bye"
Said Nobita smiling at his father and brother after giving a soft peak on his mom's cheek and getting one in return as well.
"All the best baby, Have fun with your friends," said Nobisuke
"Enjoy your day hun," said Tamako
"And if something happens you know what to do right, "said Daniel with a bit of concern in his voice.
"I know D, and I will, "
replied Nobita with a soft smile.
"wait for me outside I'll be there in a minute"
Said Daniel.
"Hmm, ok" replied Nobita.

And as soon as Nobita turned around the sweet smile that was on his face a moment ago disappeared as if it were not there in the first place. The only thing that remained there was a sad look in his beautiful brown eyes.

At the school ...

On the school grounds, in the parking lot, a group of 4 people got out of their luxurious cars.

Attracting the attention of every passerby by their appearance making themselves the center of attraction.
In this group, there were 2 beautiful goddesses looking like girls.

One with a mature and strong significance in her personality. Which makes anyone admire and respect her. The other one gives off a sweet and innocent aura which makes the other person do nothing but protect her.

The same goes for the other 2  male members of the group. One with a  strong body and a Bit of tan skin giving off the bad boy's dominant aura. And the other with fair skin like a Greek deity.

" where is he, Did you contact him? " asked Shizuka.
"yeah where is he," said jaiko

" I have, he's on his way," replied Suneo.

Jaiko: oh ok. 'said with a soft pout on her face.'

Suneo: you worry way too much Jaiko. He's not a baby like you.
'suneo said in teasing Manner'

Jaiko: No I don't and I am not a baby.' said Jaiko while glaring at him'

Suneo: whatever you say baby
'still teasing her '

Jaiko: say that again and  I'm gonna kill you.
'declared Jaiko with a killing instinct.

Jeian: okay stop both of you.

Jaiko: say that to your little boyfriend he is the one who started it.

Suneo: as if I'm going to listen to him.' reply with a bit sassyness'

Jaiko: you...

"what's going on here" someone interrupted her before Jaiko could complete her sentence.
The group turned in the direction of the voice.

"Nobita.."screamed Jaiko while hugging him tightly with a sweet smile on her.

Nobita: good morning to you too
' Nobita chuckled while patting Jaiko's head with a soft smile.

Nobita: now tell me what happens?
'asked Nobita still hugging Jaiko'

Jaiko: suneo is teasing me 'complaint jaiko with a pout on her face '

Suneo: now now, are you gonna complain to him like a baby?

Jaiko: suneo you are so dead now.

With this, they started to beaker again. Seeing this the other 3 just chuckled and shook their head at the beakring duo. Jeian tried to stop them sometimes but that was of no use to his dismay. While Shizuka and Nobita stood there looking at them fondly.

Nobita: OK enough. Both of you stop

Jaiko: but he started it. 'said with a pout while pointing at Sueno'

Suneo: no I didn't, you are the one who said that...

Nobita: suneo.

Suneo: Fine whatever. ' said with a pout on his face while crossing his arms showing his unwillingness.'

Nobita: good.
  'hearing this jaiko who stood beside Nobita stuck out to her tongue to tease suneo showing how proud she is of herself to which Suneo and others smiled at her cuteness.

Jeian: let's get going to the class. Or we will going to be late.

Suneo: yes we should be on our way.
To which all nodded in agreement.

Flashback to Nobi residence

At the dining area...

As Nobita left the dining area once comfortable and cozy atmosphere turned into a gloomy one. The faces that were smiling and conversing happily now had a defeated expression on their face.
"Daniel, was it again"asked Tamako in a slight worried tone. 
In reply to his mother's question, he only nodes defeatedly
"Did he tell something? "asked Nobisuke
"No Dad he didn't. "
"My poor baby,"said Tamako with tears in her eyes reminiscing how her baby used to be a cheerful child always smiling and enjoying his life but now there's nothing like before.

"It's going to be alright, he is going to be fine He is strong he just needs some time, "said Nobisuke putting a hand on his wife's shoulder trying to console and ease her pain.

"5 years Dad, it's been 5 years," said Daniel with a defeated sigh.
"And I know, I know he's strong. Strong enough to take care of himself but...
He is still a baby. From outside, it may look like he is smiling but when I look into his eyes it feels like they have nothing in them just emptiness and sadness"

"Whenever I look at his empty eyes or see him crying in his slumber. Witnessing that distress, pain, and suffering on his face wounds my heart, It feels like I'm incapable or I'm not strong enough to protect my brother "
said Daniel in helplessness.

"No Daniel, you are not, you are strong and strong enough to protect him and us if needed, and for that I am proud of you "Said Tamako feeling proud of his son.
"I do agree with your mom and I do believe that you are a best brother and a best son," said Nobisuke reassuring his son.

"I should go, Nobita must be waiting outside," said Daniel.
"Yes it's almost time, We should leave otherwise your mom is going to start lecturing us again like last time and we'll be late for work, " said Nobisuke receiving a glare and slap on the shoulder from his wife.
"Yes Dad, we should, " said Daniel with a chuckle.
With a final bye and pack on Tamako's check, they got out of the house.

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