Chapter 17 - The protest is rejected, please answer.

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The muffled music pressed against my ears as if I were working as a club DJ. But there was so much energy that I had not felt for a very long time.

"Wow, how are you?" Barry chuckled.

"Fine, fine, listen..." I answered instantly while looking at him, and then my gaze swept around and it dawned on me that I had to dance.

"Come dance with me, well!" I said to the dealer. He just continued to laugh, although I did not understand why.

"No, I have to work." He denied.

"Okay, okay, get out!" I shouted, as I was sure that he would not have heard me because of the music. "Just give me some more." I said, holding his hand.

"Well no, the charity is over, I'm still trying to get out of the shit that came over me after you and your friends stole my 25 thousand." he said.

"Don't be a bore!" I said, shaking his hand. "Give me some more."

"Will you come upstairs with me?" he grinned.

"I'm 16, you moron!" I let go of his hand.

I was disgusted by his words. And leaning on the countertop, I felt that I had hit something with my elbow. I turned around and saw a bottle of whiskey.

"Jackpot." I smiled, taking my "prey" in my hands, quickly unscrewing the lid.

Without thinking at all, I swallow several deep sips that pleasantly burn my throat.

The mind is painted with new colors. Now, I wanted to go dancing even harder.

I entered the small dance floor that was formed due to the party and the body instantly relaxes, giving free rein to my consciousness and movements.

"Hey Selina, how are you? I lost you." said Shonda, coming up to me.

"I took the bottle of whiskey that was on the table, I hope you don't mind." I shouted so she could hear me over the loud music.

"Yes, of course, no problem, I'm glad to see you more cheerful." The girl answered with a wink.

"Thanks for the invitation." I said.

"Enjoy." the girl said smiling as she disappeared from the crowded dance floor.

I continued to dance in parallel emptying the bottle that was in my hands. But suddenly I felt someone push me and half of the liquid poured out on me.

"What the hell?" I said and turning around I saw a familiar person, it was Topper.

"Oh, this is a boat sink, what do you want?" he spoke.

"Topper, cover your kook mouth, are you fucking nuts  pushing me seeing what I have in my hands?" I said.

"Wow, did you drink it yourself? And where are your pogues and Sarah?" he asked.

"Of course, you just need to know where Sarah is, maniac, get out of here." I said, turning away from him.

"Wow dude, she's tough on you." Kelce said, standing by the side all this time, watching our conversation.

"I don't give a damn about her, let's go find Rafe," he said, and I heard them start to leave.

"Yes, Rafe would have torn it, as you remember on the road then?" Kelce grinned.

I light up in anger from these words and turning around, I looked at them and after them, I push one of them, but the two of them stumble in surprise, turning around at me.

"Let's repeat again what you said." I said.

A lot of people stop dancing and they turn around to look at us.

I choose you || Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now