you switch from vodka, lime, and soda

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(i know true love doesn't switch up like that)

"What if you—"

"If you seriously propose that I sit on your lap one more time, I will crack your forehead open with that!" Rosé bellowed threateningly, gesturing at the white longboard on the deck.

"God, here, just hold my hand!" Lisa extended a hand toward Rosé who looked at it as if it were poisonous with the way she scrunched up her whole face.

Swatting the hand away, Rosé stepped down carefully from the gunwale of the motorboat to the deck, both hands stretched out to her sides for balance. "This isn't even close to what we call a motorboat. Why does it have only one seat?"

Lisa's mouth fell. "Oh, I'm sorry, Princess Fake Blonde, I only saved you from almost drowning, and you complain about the best boat that I could find at the shore just because it's not pretty enough for your grand entrance at the red-carpet shore?"

Lifting her chin at the strident tone used by the stranger, Rosé crossed her arms over her chest. "Leave my hair alone when yours can use this thing called conditioner any day."

Cackling at the remark, Lisa rested both hands on her hips. "Had I known I was saving someone so stuck up, I wouldn't have bothered and just caught that beautiful wave that pushed you down—I would've pushed you with it—"

"Just drive."

"—Instead, what did I get? This attitude and a broken surfboard!"

As Lisa said that, Rosé shifted her gaze to the surfboard and noticed the huge crack right in the middle of it. As if hearing the conversation, it even made a show when the tail part slipped down, creating a banging noise that made her jerk a little. "Just... drive... please."

"What was that?" Lisa leaned her ear closer to Rosé's mouth. "Did I hear a thank you?"

"I said, let's go." Rosé stepped back to distance herself from the creepy woman.

"And you're just going to stand there?"

Rosé huffed, looking toward the shore where a crowd seemed to be spectating their show. The last thing she wanted was to draw attention when her best friends had been busy flooding her with articles and videos on how to go incognito despite her argument that she was not some celebrity or K-pop idol. "Drive already, will you?"

"And what, knock you over and have your head hitting the stern or throw you off at the bow then I'll run you over—"

"Still not sitting on your lap," cut off Rosé, shooting Lisa a fierce stare.

"Fine. You can take the seat." Lisa held up her hands. "If you want my ass on your face, that would be very convenient for you."

"Such a gentlewoman," Rosé scoffed, the woman's confidence and stupid idea made her shake her head in disbelief. Fuming inside, she looked down at the motorboat deck that was filled with dirt and sand. It would have been tolerable if her bikini was not all white. She would kill Jennie later for the big idea. Jennie always gushed about how good she looked in white, it rubbed off her. Too much that all she brought with her were white swimsuits.

Staring at the horizon behind Rosé, Lisa ran a hand through her hair. "The sun is setting soon. I don't know about you, but I don't want to be stuck in the middle of Cloud 9 at night."

"I'm still thinking of a practical solution that isn't inconvenient for me," Rosé said through gritted teeth.

Getting impatient, Lisa scratched the back of her head. "Okay, selfless Mother Teresa, I don't know how long your thinking will take but going back to the boardwalk will only take five minutes. Can't miss your rosary at six."

chaelisa prologues: you switch from vodka, lime, and sodaWhere stories live. Discover now