Third Person's P. O. V:Yosei continues to glare with clenched teeth down at her former captor, her sword pointed right at his face. Tsukino just blinks his eyes in surprise as he gazes back up at her.
He thought for sure she'd take that moment to get revenge on her parents.
Tsukino asks, "You're not going to kill me, Yosei-chan?"
"No, because I'm not a cold blooded murderer like you, even though every fibre of my being wants revenge," Yosei seethes back as tears begins to drip down her face. "Why did you do it?" Tsukino looks at her quizzically. "Why did you kill my parents and take me?"
"I've told you: I require the power of Fairy Breathing—"
"Why did you do it?!! You didn't have to go through this just to torture me! A child! You took away my life!" Yosei becomes wracked with tears.
Giyu wants to go and comfort her but stays out of Yosei's way.
"I doubt you could understand," Murmurs Tsukino before he yanks his arm free of her grasp and slugs Yosei in the jaw with a right hook, sending her flying off of him.
"Yosei-chan!" The Tomioka yells worriedly. Tsukino uses his Sixth Form and cuts a deep wound through Yosei's left shoulder, making her cry out. Giyu's about to rush over to protect Yosei from Tsukino's next attack, but there's a pause as purple butterflies suddenly swarm around him.
Tsukino murmurs as he gazes at them with narrowed eyes, "Butterflies?" The black and white haired man gazes ahead with an infuriated expression as a familiar figure races towards him. "Eclipse Breathing, Third Form: Obscured Light." He does a circular slash that blocks the attack from Shinobu's nichirin Stinger, knocking her back towards Yosei.
"So, you really have betrayed the Demon Slayer Corps by murdering and kidnapping, Tsukino," Says Kocho as she stands with her right foot back a bit and both hands gripping her sword. There's an unhappy expression about her face.
Giyu rushes over to Yosei and grips her shoulders as he helps her into a sitting position, sword on the floor beside him.
"Kocho, so you've come with Tomioka," Says Tsukino. "Now that you know, I'll just have to kill you, too."
"I'm impressed that you've kept us fooled this entire time," Says Kocho in a deathly calm voice. She may be calm but both Giyu and Yosei could tell Shinobu was beyond pissed. "You'll receive high punishment when you return. Oyakata-sama wishes to deal with you himself."
"As if you could hope to defeat me," Seethes the Eclipse Hashira. "Eclipse Breathing, Sixth Form: Obsidian Ray." Tsukino slashes horizontally at the younger woman who deflects it with her Stinger.
Kocho launches her Butterfly Dance Caprice attack back at him, but Tsukino blocks it with his Third Form. As the two Hashira fight, Tanjiro and his friends come running from another corridor.
"Yosei-san!" They exclaim. Tanjiro has Nezuko's box strapped to his back.
He drops to his knees beside the Fairy Hashira as he asks, "Are you alright?"
The pretty brunette nods as she responds, "Yes, I'm alright. I'm just a little surprised to see you all here."
Inosuke says enthusiastically, "Well, we wouldn't miss out on an opportunity to come rescue you!"
A grateful smile stretches at her lips as she mutters, "Thank you." Yosei places her hand over Giyu's on her left shoulder and squeezes it comfortingly. They turn their heads to look back at Kocho and Tsukino fighting.

Fairy on the Water (Giyu X OC, Kimetsu no Yaiba Fanfic)
Fantasy20 year old Yosei Senshi lost her parents when she was six years old, after she'd started learning her mother's Fairy Breathing Style. Yosei is found and taken in by the former Water Hashira, Sakonji Urokodoki, where she meets Sabito and Giyu Tomiok...