Chapter 36

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Third Person's P. O. V:

Nezuko responds by immediately changing her size to that of a child's, going up to Tsukino's knees. This causes his red katana to slice clean through nothing but air, his eyes dilated out of anger.

Nezuko then cutely dashes away from him and stands defensively in front of Yosei.

Tsukino whirls on Yosei as he demands angrily, "You'd dare to protect that demon?! Have I taught you nothing about them? Demons are meant to be slain!"

Yosei says with her bangs hiding her eyes, her right arm hugging her stomach, "That technique... gets more powerful when you're behind your opponent. I know more about you than any other Hashira or Demon Slayer in the Corps."

"Silence!" Snaps Tsukino, a vein showing in his right temple.

Yosei continues in a weak voice, "Yes, there are bad demons in this world, but there are also good demons, like Nezuko. She's proof that not all demons are evil and mindlessly eat humans. You're just so blinded by hatred that you can't see that." Tsukino clenches his teeth so hard the enamel was about to break. "Nezuko is kind and still retains her human emotions, so she knows to protect humans, not harm them. I'll protect Nezuko—from you."

"Eclipse Breathing, Sixth Form: Obsidian Ray!" Tsukino slashes his sword horizontally towards Yosei. There's a loud clang as Nezuko returns to her normal size and blocks the attack. With a snarl, she slugs the man in his stomach with a powerful kick and forces him back.

"Yosei-chan!" Giyu yells, after having spotted her katana lying near him and snatching it up. Yosei jerks her head in Giyu's direction as he throws her nichirin sword towards her through the air. The purple eyed girl catches it with ease and sends out multiple pink blades with her First Form.

One finally hits Tsukino's left arm but he dodges the others.

"I'll punish you for defying me!" Tsukino snaps.

"Fairy Breathing, Fourth Form: Pink Butterflies of Destruction!" Says Yosei. A swarm of pink butterflies swoops in and Yosei feels her strength return to her as they sap Tsukino's strength. He tries to shake them off but was struggling.

"Fairy Breathing, Seventh Form: Dance of Flora and Fauna!" Yosei flicks her sword and a few minutes later, a tiger and a couple of ferrets come running in. Tsukino's eyes jerk wide briefly before the ferrets run up his legs, clawing at him and biting him.

Tsukino curses as he grabs them roughly and yanks the small creatures off him. They hit the floor before running away again. The tiger growls as it swings its claws but Tsukino manages to dodge them at first.

Eventually, the tiger bites down on the black and white haired man's sword arm, causing blood to leak out.

"Gah!" Tsukino cries out as he attempts to shake the beast off him. It doesn't budge.

Yosei smiles to herself and readies her final attack. "Fairy Breathing, Ninth Form: Lunar Ultima Beam!"

Beams of luna energy suddenly rain down on the Eclipse Hashira. He cries out at the impact. "C-Cease this a-at once!" The tiger pulls away and stands beside the Fairy Hashira.

Yosei tells him coldly, "It'll only stop if you surrender."

Tsukino groans and grunts at the pain as the beams continue to pelt him relentlessly. Yosei frowns as this continues for several more minutes.

Finally, Tsukino grunts out, "I-I surrender!"

The attack finally ceases and Tsukino remains lying on the floor, breathing heavily.

Fairy on the Water (Giyu X OC, Kimetsu no Yaiba Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now