chapter 5 - Journey to Spooky Island

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"the thing drew closer with its inhuman breathing and claws clicking against the floor with each step desperately the young boy pulled the sheet off the creature to reveal... The dog that got tangled up in the laundry ooh~"

David was telling us a 'scary story' i don't exactly like them though not because i'm scared but future vision kinda spoils any story i tune back into the conversation to max saying "whats scary is how much i wanna kill myself right now" then Gwen decided to have a turn a I think she was about to start telling us about the plot of the dawn books (it's basically twilight in this universe) then max interrupted her by saying "so help me if this involves vampire romance" then Gwen tried to save herself from the conversation by saying "it- it could've been werewolves you don't know" then max replied "here's a horror story go look at the job market your dealing with after this camp shuts down" which made Gwen start to panic which led to me trying to comfort her

 space-kid said to me and max "so nothing scares you two not even ghost's" i shook my head no and max replied with "people in sheets got me concerned but nah not even ghost's just not a screamer" then space-kid said "not even space ghost-a" he then cut himself off and then continued by saying "that's strange um mission control i don't feel so good" then a squirrel came out of his cardboard space suit as he screamed then everyone but me and max screamed the squirrel then ran away and David said "wait a minute how is it that you two weren't even fazed by that" then max "might've helped if i hadn't put it in his suit to begin with" and i just shrugged then David said "alright tough guy's so you think your so-" he was then interrupted by a wailing noise in the distance then he continued but sounded more scared "-tough what do you think about that moaning and wailing" then max sighed a bit and said "it's just teenagers from that church camp working on those repressions again not that i know anything about it just being a kid and all" 

David then screamed and pointed at the lake then said "what about that ghost ship" then we all look and see a ship being covered with fog then everyone screamed but me and max then i said "pirate camp's practicing night sailing" then the fog cleared and the ship and kid's on it were able to be seen more clearly then neil and nikki said called us then we all turned around to see what it would be while David was chanting "please be puppy" over and over again then the quartermaster jumped out of the bushes saying "what the blueball blazes is happening here" which causes everyone but me and max to scream then once everyone calmed down David and the quartermaster started talking while i went to space-kid who was still laying on the floor and helped him up and walked him towards the quartermaster who then looked at us and said "whats wrong with space-case" in which i looked towards max who then said "squirrel-splosion" which caused the quartermaster to say something i didn't hear then he said "well best be getting you back to camp for rabies shot which caused David and Gwen to pick space-kid up with me following behind to help if needed but before i left i said to nikki while picking up the platypus or as i call her muack since she says it all the time "if your going to spooky island say hi to Jasper to me" to which she nodded before turning to max and neil 

(hey you guy's i'm gonna do a poll on which pet you should have

a Blue panther

a Blue swan

a Blue lion

or an animal of your choice

what ever has the most comments or has the most likes will win)

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