Love at first sight

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Ash's POV
"Come on we're gonna be late" Gary yelled "alright I'm coming"  I yelled down to him running down the stairs We had plans to go see a movie I grabbed my keys and the tickets and we hit the road

"Mind if we get some coffee I'm so tired I may fall asleep during the movie," he asked looking over his shoulder

"Weren't you the one who said we'd be late" I joked "Pleeeeeeeease" he begged me  "Fine but you're paying" I gave in "Deal"

he replied We pulled over to a small cafe Slurpuff Cafe it read on the sign When we went in a girl with thick blue hair greeted us at the counter "Hello what can I get for you" she asked Gary told her our orders

I was looking around it was nice and small but not too small it was quiet and there was a calm atmosphere to it

When I was glancing around I locked eyes with a girl who had honey-blonde hair and blue eyes when I looked at her there was a strange feeling in my heart it was weird but nice

Suddenly I felt a hot drink against my arm which broke the hold this girl had on me When I looked away she covered her face in her hair which brought a smile to my face for some reason

"Ash you want her don't you" Gary whispered in my ear I felt my face get hot for some reason "Shut up" I laughed and joked pushing him

"So you gonna ask for her number," he asked taking a sip of his drink "No" I sighed knowing that even if I worked up enough courage to ask she would never give me it

Filled with regret I walked out of the cafe we got in the car and drove off

Serena POV
I was as red as a tomato after that moment I had with that cute boy "Oh la la did you see that hottie stare at you" Dawn joked walking over to me "Who was staring" May asked me walking over to us all three of us worked here I was in the middle of my break

"You missed it this cute guy was checking Serena out," she told her "Did you get his number" May Squealed "No" I sighed disappointedly I didn't ask

"Cheer up he might come back" Dawn assured me "Thanks" I thanked her for getting up from my seat putting on my apron and walking into the kitchen that's my job I make all of the pastries

but I have big dreams I want to be a fashion designer and have my clothes sold all over that was the dream although sometimes I thought it was impossible

but then I always had the same message in my head don't give up till it's over someone I met in summer camp told me that but I couldn't remember who it was

It was finally time to go home "Bye Serena" Dawn waved to me "Bye dawn bye May" I replied walking out the door I hoped in my car and drove when I finally got home I got in and flopped onto my bed I was exhausted

But I couldn't sleep all I could think about was the boy with midnight-colored hair suddenly my cheeks got hot just thinking about him

'I wish I had given him my number' I thought laying my head on the pillow and letting the calming black of rest overtake me

"Ring Ring Ring" my alarm clock yelled my eyes shot open "crap crap crap I'm going to be late" I ran out of bed and quickly got ready

I got in my car and the engine roared as it started I stepped on the gas "Thank goodness" I sighed as I somehow got to work on time I entered the small building where Miette was standing at the counter

"Welcome to slur- oh it's just you" she sighed in disappointment Miette was another one of my coworkers but unlike Dawn and May I hated her "I thought you were finally fired," she told me

I tried to keep my cool but she made me so mad and I exploded in anger "I do way more work than you why would I be fired" I yelled at her

"Bad time for coffee" I heard a voice state behind me I turned around just to see the boy with Midnight hair I never felt so embarrassed in my life "Sorry customer" I bowed my head mostly to hide my blush

"What's with the bow" he laughed I instantly shot my head back up blushing even more "It's alright I get angry too sometimes how about you give me your number and I'll forget all about it" he told me

"W-what" I stuttered "I asked for your number" he repeated "Y-yeah of course" I stammered I quickly wrote it on a piece of paper and handed it to him 'I can't believe he asked for my number," I thought

"Oh yeah my name's Ash by the way," he told me the name seemed so familiar but I ignored it and introduced myself

"I'm Serena," I told him "Well Serena see you around" he waved goodbye "Wait I have a number too" Miette yelled running up to him

"No thanks, I already got what I came for" he rejected her sending a wink to me I quickly hid my blush in my hair and waved goodbye to him which he did the same and walked out

I had a huge smirk on my face someone finally took Miette down a peg "What are you smiling about he'll be in just you wait" she told me "Sure" I replied walking behind the counter

'He likes me right that's why he asked for my number' I asked myself my cheeks were hot pink and my stomach had butterflies but I didn't care I was happy in a long time

Sorry if this chapter sucked but I started it a long time ago and finally got around to finishing it but I hoped you enjoyed reading as much as I did writing it

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