Final announcement

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Guys listen this story has been a lot of fun writing and all but I can't think of anything I got major writer's block it's been going on for a while so I've only been writing a little per week I'm done with this story but I know it has crazy amounts of potential since ash's mom, Misty, and they haven't gotten together yet so if you would like to continue this story for me then private message me i'll probably say yes to the first one I get my only request is don't turn it to smut or something like that and then they get rights to my story but for me I already got a new story in progress it's called reputation it's an ash and Dawn story though if you don't like that don't read it also it will be a bit mature I swear it's not smut but some of the descriptions may make younger readers uncomfortable also it's coming out in one go so it may take a few months but the stress of having an ongoing story is a bit too much for me near the end I started feeling like the story was a chore which is a terrible mindsight for writing so just check-in every few months I'm sorry but I'm a pretty slow writer any way I'll see you all in the next book

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