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Ash's POV
I was woken up by the sound of my phone ringing on the nightstand "Ugh" I groaned as I took my phone off the nightstand but I instantly woke up when I saw who was from

The screen read pallet hospital "Hello" I asked in a worried tone "Is this Ash Ketchum" a lady asked on the other side of the phone "Yeah why" I questioned "Your mom is currently in our hospital" she told me "WHAT is she ok what happened" I yelled

"She was coughing up blood as well as lots of chest pain," she told me "A-Alright thanks" I stammered still in shock I needed to get there now so I ordered a plane ticket as fast as I could but the soonest was tomorrow morning

"One whole day she could d-" I pushed that thought to the back of my head "I just need to keep calm and wait for the morning," I told myself I didn't know who I could talk to about this Gary was out of town with some girl

But then I remembered one number in my phone I knew we just met but for some reason, I could tell her anything I was nervous but I had to get it off my chest it hurt I picked up my phone and asked

Me: can we talk
Serena: about what
Me: it's hard to explain, please
Serena: OK I'm at the cafe can we talk their
Me: yes thank you
Serena: no problem

I got off my bed walked to my car and drove to her work the white blanket of beautiful still covered the town the way it simmered in the sun reminded me of the shine in Serena's eyes that had been happening a lot everything reminded me of her

When I finally made it there and stepped in I saw a girl with honey-blonde hair sitting at a table she was wearing my hoodie which made me laugh a bit I swear there was something about her that made people feel good

"Hey" she greeted me when she saw me "Hey" I replied slumping into the seat in front of her I probably looked like a mess "you ok you look a bit rough" she laughed which I returned with a joke glare but I sat up and became dead serious

"Can I talk to you about something serious" Iasked she returned my seriousness and replied "of course" "my-" I stopped in the middle of my sentence choking back tears I don't like to cry in front of people makes me feel weak

I took a deep breath and continued "my mom was sent to the hospital today and I'm just really worried" I told her

Serena's POV
"My mom was sent to the hospital today and I'm just really worried," he told me "Wha-what are you ok" I asked very worried "No," he said looking sorrowfully at his hands which were placed in front of him on the table "why aren't you with her" I questioned

"I tried but the planes are booked full until tomorrow" he replied "and I'm so scared that by tomorrow she could be d-" he mumbled tears slowly rolling down his cheek instinctively I got up and wrapped my arms around him feeling tears forcing their way out it was a problem I'm always so emotional it's his mom, not mine

"She's going to be fine" I assured him after a few more minutes he broke the hug "Sorry about that I'm just so scared" he awkwardly laughed "It's fine but has something like this ever happened" I asked

He sighed and leaned back "Yeah it's the main reason why I was so scared a few years ago when I was sixteen or so she was diagnosed with lung cancer that's the reason I'm not going to college we used all are money to cure her but I'm not mad about it i'd rather have a mom then a degree any day luckily she was able to beat it but if it came back I doubt she'll be able to beat it again" he explained

I gasped putting my hand over my mouth lung cancer has the lowest survival rate out of all cancers but I wasn't going to say that out loud "If she beat it once she can do it again" I added giving him a thumbs up which he returned with a laugh

"I see you're still wearing my hoodie" he changed the subject "O-oh well I" I stammered feeling my face heat up "It's good I'm glad you're not in the cold like yesterday" he laughed even with his mom possibly battling cancer he still worries about me

"Thanks for talking to me I feel a lot better now" he thanked me and left "What's that about he like broke down," Dawn asked May close behind her "his mom is really sick and he can't check on her until tomorrow" I told them back to being worried

"Oh no is he going to be okay" May asked "I hope so" I sighed walking behind the counter ready to serve everyone the day went on and on with not much to report

"Closing time" Dawn yelled reversing the which was hanging on the door "OK I'll lock up" May responded also yelling "Thanks guys" I replied walking out the door we waved goodbye and I drove home but I couldn't sleep that night

All I could think about was Ash I was so worried about him so I decided to call him "Hello" he greeted me once the ringing stopped "Hey I'm sorry for calling so late but I just wanted to check on you" I told him

"Oh I'm fine thanks for asking though sorry for melting down at the cafe" he apologized "No problem you were having a stressful day your mom is in the hospital" I replied "Yeah" he sighed "See you tomorrow thanks for checking up on me" he thanked me "of course see you" we ended our talk and I closed my eyes

I'm so sorry this took do long I was busy with stuff thanks for waiting and see you in the next chapter

Girl in a coffee shopNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ