The number

92 4 8

Ash's POV
It's been two days since Serena gave me her number and I still haven't used it I'm too nervous 'What if she doesn't respond or worse what if she does' I thought to myself but I had to reply today or she'll think I'm a jerk

"Ugh" I grunted turning off my phone and slamming on my bed "What do I say" I yelled falling back so my head was on a pillow

"Have you still not texted that girl?" Gary asked me leaning against the doorframe "No" I sighed "How about you just tell her that you wanna hang out somewhere"

he suggested "Yeah that'll work thanks" I thanked him "No problem but you're buying dinner" he laughed "What- alright" Slouching down on my bed he did give me good advice

I grabbed my phone and did what Gary told me

Me: hey you wanna hang out at the mall
Serena: I got work
Me: please
Serena: I get out of work at five can we go then
Me: you bet

"Alright" I yelled pumping my fist into the air "So I'm guessing she said yes" he asked I jumped nearly falling off my bed "I forgot you were there," I told him getting up and running to my closest to find what to wear today

I decided to wear my blue hoodie, navy blue pants, my red hat with a white half-circle(imagine Ash's clothes in Kalos but with a hoodie)

It was finally time to pick up Serena I put my phone in my pocket and grabbed my keys while heading out "You leaving" Gary asked appearing out of nowhere

"Gaah Stop doing that" I screamed "Sorry but you're going right" "Yeah" I sighed "Don't get her pregnant" he waved to me my face felt like it was on fire I quickly left so he couldn't see

When I finally arrived at her work I saw the most beautiful girl standing at the door in the freezing snow which was covering the streets like a fluffy white blanket

"W-what took you so long" she asked rubbing her arms to warm them up "Why are you out in the cold with no jacket" I asked running up to her "I forgot it at home but it's alright I'm not that cold" she answered

"stop lying I can see you shivering," I told her taking off my hoodie and pulling it over her head "You don't have to" she stated holding onto the hoodie "It's no problem I like the cold" I replied "o-ok" she stuttered hiding her face in my hoodie

'God is she cute' I thought to myself "All right let's go" I cheered grabbing her hand and running in the direction of the mall "We're running there" she giggled

"Yeah too warm you up come on it's only a block away," I told her "ok but what about your car" she asked "I'll pick it up later" I answered her "alright" she laughed

Her laugh made my insides feel warm like a kid on Christmas day

Serena's POV
We had finally made it to the mall we were laughing the whole way there "Wow" Ash looked around in amazement "Have you never been to this mall before" I asked

"I have but this is my first time with all the Halloween decorations," he told me it snowed very early this year but Halloween and snow made a weird but nice combination

"Just wait for Christmas" I replied "It must be so cool" he stated with stars in his eyes "It is" I replied "I can't wait" he yelled "ASH we're inside," I told him

His eyes darted open just to see people staring "I'm so sorry for the noise" he apologized bowing his head everyone went on with their business like nothing happened "Now who's the one bowing" I snickered "Yeah yeah" he laughed

I down only to see that we had been holding hands the entire time it felt nice but I had to tell him so people didn't get the wrong idea my face glowed a bright crimson "A-Ash" I stammered "Yeah" he asked "Can you let go of my hand" I asked him

"Oh yeah sorry" he laughed rubbing under his nose he slipped his hand away from mine I regretted telling him but I had to

"So what are we doing first" I asked him "Oh well I'm pretty hungry what do you say about going to the food court then you can decide" he replied "Sure" I laughed "alright where is the food court" he asked checking the map

"Found it" he announced tapping the map "This way" he pointed in a direction I followed him to the western part of the second floor "Look at all that food" he cheered looking in awe at the massive food court

I couldn't deny that I was excited too this place has the best soft pretzels around me and Ash ordered are food ash got a burger with a Coke and I got a soft pretzel with some cheese and a Sprite

"So what are you're thoughts on politics" he asked me very seriously "What" I giggled "I don't know just trying to make small talk" he laughed "Well I don't really care too much about politics so where do you work," I asked changing the subject

"OK well I work at the movie theater on Dugtrio Drive" he replied "Oh I know I know that one the Sparkrry's right" I asked "Yeah so is working at that cafe your dream job you just getting some extra cash" he questioned

"No, I'm trying to become a fashion designer," I told him taking a sip from the fizzy Sprite "What about you," I asked "I honestly don't know I kinda wish I had it figured out like you" he sighed looking down into his hands

I did not like seeing him sad it made my stomach hurt for some reason "Hey cheer up" I told him grabbing a fry from his plate with a wink "Hey you sneaky sinx" he yelled at me in a laughing tone

"What you gonna do about it Ashy-boy" I taunted him "How did you hear that nickname" he asked "The brown-haired one" I told him "Gary I'm going to get him" he shook his fist

"And for you" he spoke pointing his finger at me he lunged from his chair and tickled my neck "Ash stop" I laughed "Not till you apologize," he told me "All right I'm sorry just please stop" I laughed "that's what I thought" he stated sitting back in his chair

"All right ready to check out the stores," he asked throwing are empty food wrappers away for the next few hours we checked out the stores I licked it a lot Ash was really fun

"I'm shopped out ready to go" he sighed "Yeah alright" I replied as we slowly walked back to Ash's car "Hey where's your car" he asked when we made it back to the cafe

"Oh I walked here I'll just walk back," I told him "Yeah right" he spoke almost forcing me into his car "It's fine I'll just walk back you don't need to" I assured him "I don't have to but I want to come on where do you live" he asked me

I sighed and told him where I lived when we got there I got out and started walking to my door then I remembered I was wearing his hoodie

"Wait Ash your hoodie" I yelled to him "Keep it it looks good on you" he yelled back with a wink "O-ok" I stammered hiding my face in his hoodie to hide my blush we waved our goodbyes and he left

Sorry if I kept you waiting with this chapter but hope you all licked it and have a good one

Girl in a coffee shopWhere stories live. Discover now