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Ash's POV
"Do you guys have to leave?" I asked sad to see my friends leave so soon "Yeah we were just checking up glad to see you're at least holding up" Brock told me "I see" I sighed in defeat

"Well thanks for checking up we should hang out more this was fun," I told them giving them a quick group hug it was a bit awkward but I didn't care if felt so good to see my old friends again

"Alright alright you're crushing us" Misty laughed "Sorry" I released them from my tight hug and started laughing too finally the laughing calmed down into soft chuckles and Misty finally told me with a big smile on her face "Don't forget to tell her what you feel soon"

"W-what" I felt heat rise to my cheeks "Come on" she laughed "alright alright" I sighed knowing she was right we said our final goodbyes and they left I felt a bit down knowing I wouldn't see them for a while but Misty was right today was the day to tell her I love her

That was the plan before I saw him I walked into the coffee shop to see a strange man talking to Serena as I saw this a strange feeling erupted it was anger and hate, but the true feeling behind those was fear of losing her

I slowly walked over to where they were talking "Hey who's this" I asked Serena "Oh Ash this is Clemont a friend from school" she told me her sweet voice calming me a bit from the softness "Ash, nice to meet you" I greeted him with a lot more venom than which was intended

"Clemont, nice to meet you too" he replied "So how do you know Serena" he asked "We recently started hanging out after meeting here," I told him "Oh yeah this is my sister Bonnie" he pointed to a girl I hadn't noticed with this weird feeling blocking my view

"Hey" she greeted me "Hi I'm guessing you heard my name by now" Surprising everyone since I was in such a bad mood two seconds ago but I had nothing against this nice-looking girl therefore no reason to be mean to her

She nodded in response "So are you guys from Kalos" I asked trying to start a conversation "Yeah why are you not" she asked "Nope I'm from Kanto" I told her flinching a bit from mentioning the home of my pain "wow Kanto I've never even left also before" she told me

"I used to go on a bunch of trips as a kid," I told her "Ahem, anyway" Serena laughed "Sorry guess we got caught up in our conversation" I chuckled "So are you guys dating" Bonnie asked

Serena's POV
"So are you guys dating" Bonnie asked I instantly felt heat rise to my cheeks I knew they were a deep crimson "B-Bonnie you can't just ask people that" Clemont stammered surprised by Bonnie's sudden question

"Are we Serena" Ash asked wiggling his eyebrows which caused me to blush deeper which caused Ash to laugh "I'm just joking we're not dating...yet" Again Ash wiggled his eyebrows, and I blushed more, and Ash laughed harder

Both Clemont and Bonnie started giggling at my expense "Come on you know I'm just joking around" he laughed slinging his arm around my shoulder "Hmp" I turned away with a fake pout causing all four of us to burst out into laughter

"Hey you know it's around lunchtime, why don't we continue this over food" I told them instantly Ash's eyes were full of excitement there was something I learned about Ash if you mention food he acts like a toddler with candy

"Let's go to the mall they have a lot of choices so everyone can decide what they want" Clemont replied "Good idea Clemont," I told him behind me I heard Ash mumble something along the lines of "I could've thought of that" "what," I asked "what nothing" he responded

As we walked out of the cafe a cold gust of wind hit us "Mind if we take my car" Ash shivered they all nodded and we piled in his car it was small but it could fit five so it was enough I took the passenger seat and the other two took the back

We quickly drove threw the still-cold roads as we pulled to the mall we all quickly ran in to heat up our freezing bodies "Brrr sure is cold out" Bonnie stated "I would offer you my jacket but seems Serena's still using it" he told her turning to me where I was pulling the jacket close

"I'm comfy" I replied which caused them to laugh eventually with Ash's "expert tracking skills" and a map we made it to the food court where everyone happily spread apart to find their meal for today

Eventually we all picked our meals and quickly are it after that we hung out a bit before finally leaving

Yes indeed I have returned to you all everything has calmed down a bit so I decided to get back to writing this time I swear I try to update more frequently also sorry the chapter is so short I'm starting to run low on inspiration anyway see you in the next chapter probably weekly

Girl in a coffee shopWhere stories live. Discover now