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A/N: Hi! So I'm new to this whole writing thing so yes my stories might be a little cringe or even bad I'm sorry but I'm gonna try my best I promise!! Also I do want to apologize ahead of time that yes I do have a hard time spelling things yes even though English is the only language I know because I've known it for my whole life I still have problems with spelling and pronouncing things and I'm in the middle of learning Spanish and I only know like very little Spanish and I'm learning so please be patient with that. Now let's get into a little bit about me.

My name is lyla yes I'll admit that Lyla isn't my actual name but I don't like using my actual name on things so please respect that is all I ask

I'm in 9th grade so yes I'm in highschool and actively going to school so updates will probably be somewhat so and I apologize but I'm gonna try my best to update this to the best of my ability I promise

Yes English is my first language and I'm actively learning Spanish because the high school I go to allows us to choose a language we want to learn and the choices are German,French and Spanish and if you read this far you already know what one I pick.

Yes I'll admit I do have some mental health problems I'm battling with low self esteem because I'm not skinny, I'm also battling with su!c!dal thoughts..and it's hard..but don't worry I'm doing alright

I do ask you guys to be patient I get that a lot of you are probably gonna want weekly or daily posts but with school activity going on updates are gonna be slow so please be patient.

The kind of stories I'll write I'll do some fluff and smut or NSFW depending on what you call it and I'll write stories that give you a warm fuzzy feeling and I'll write normal stories

What I will not do is Character x Character,Oc x Character or Oc x Oc this is a reader x Character

Yes I'll take requests so requests are open!

I'll put a word count at the end of each story if I remember and I'm sorry if I forget I promise I'm gonna try not to forget!!

Anyways that's all I have to say I hope you have a good day or night, Bye


Transformers x Reader (One shots)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora