Bumblebee X Reader (As his sibling)

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Bumblebee Pov

I wonder where Y/n they should have gotten back now with optimus...I wonder what's taking them so long to get back...

Y/N's Pov

The cons were shooting at us left and right, Optimus was fighting Megatron,Arcee was keeping Starscream busy,Bulkhead was fighting breakdown and I was trying to fight knockout and failing miserably but I was trying my best. After a while of fighting Optimus,Acree and bulkhead were pinned down and I was in a coroner. Just as it seems like the cons were going to win out of nowhere a groundbridge opens and bumblebee drives out of the groundbridge and hits knockout sending him flying, then he shoots at Megatron,Starscream and breakdown giving optimus,arcee and bulkhead. Optimus gets up and punches megatron sending him flying across the area we're at,Acree kicks starscream making him fall and bulkhead grabs breakdowns arm and throws him. Bumblebee hugs y/n shaking a little but happy he/she is alright.

Y/N:*Giggles* I'm Alright bumblebee

They walk back through the groundbridge and walks back into the base.

A/N:Sorry it's short I'm just really low on ideas but You guys can send in request's anyway's I hope you have a wonderful day/afternoon/night.


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