Female Reader x Optimus prime

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A/N: A cute story!

You have been a part of team prime, for awhile now and you do really well on your missions but one day a mission you were on went south. Megatron had showed up out of nowhere and attacked you,Acree and Buckhead. You guys managed to get away
but just barely.

Optimus:Are you guys okay?

Acree:Yeah except for the fact that Megatron showed up"

Bluckhead:Yeah and he attacked us we barely got away...

Optimus:At least you guys are okay

Y/N walked away to her berth room


Optimus knocks on Y/N'S berth room door and opens the door and says "It's just me"

Y/N:What do you want Optimus?

Optimus:You seemed to be pretty quiet earlier

Y/N:I was just in a lot of shock from what had happened

Optimus walks over to Y/N'S bed and sits next to her and grabs her by her waist and pulls her on to his lap facing him.


Optimus looks deep into her eyes and kisses her Y/N is tense at first and is completely taken by surprise from what Optimus was doing but eventually stops being tense and lends more into the kiss, They held kiss for a long time. They both pulled away after some time and they were both trying to catch their breath.



Optimus kisses Y/N again and they hold the kiss for even longer and pull back trying to catch their breath

Y/N:I love you Optimus

Optimus:I love you too Y/N

Optimus hugs Y/N and cuddles her

A/N Short but sweet and I hope you guys enjoyed it


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