Who am I

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How many of us have this very same question burning the very insides of us and growing louder and louder seemingly every day under the sun? This is the call that comes from a distant place we have forgotten... And at times this can become overwhelming when things start going south or one feels nothing is working.

At this time it is crucial to take deep breaths and pay attention. To what, the bustle of city life, the rat race of modern strife and endless consumerist dreams? Probably not, i mean that is exactly what was life when that voice interrupted and demanded attention.

Alright, so let us try and pay attention. So it is a question, of identity, origins, purpose, reason, and overall understanding. Amidst the chaos of individual strides, forces of power dictating and managing all in the world, it all appears like a complex order of disarray where nobody can truly give what is enough to nourish a very deep emptiness in mankind.

In every corner and in every society there is active and visible attemps to stay connected to the cradle, to the birth, the foundation and actual source of all that no amount of artificial wonders and achievement can thwart. This is the ultimate thirst, the instinctual perception of the voice of home calling.

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