Tuning Into the Music

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Like a radio , frequency ranges vary and broadcast on and on and we atleast have the choice to tune to one or the other. Now this may sound complex from a physical, dense state and perspective, but it should help to first recognize and acknowledge as our evolution has shown, the visible is spawn from the invisible. The roots are hidden and thus we can equate the human physical experiences as the shooting through the ground.

The relevance of recognizing, dare i say affording much enthusiasm towards the health and environment of the roots is all in the unrivalled understanding that the innermost foundations of a being depend greatly on this, before the factors that move about on the outside. This of course without dismissing the importance of either part and manifestation of an entity.

How much more different things would be if we did not rely solely on our stems and leaves but were equally informed about our roots as spiritual beings, who require naturing and protection beyond the veil down through to our roots? The absence of understanding and oblivion to this perspective leaves the most fundamental aspect of one neglected, clogged up, weighed down and and helpless to carry the physical being/body through life and purpose at its optimum.

Having now established the importance of understanding the shades and shadows of the physical self, we can further address how the frequencies mentioned earlier play a role. The spiritual and physical bodies are held together through life by energy centers that correspond to different body organs and areas of life for an individual. The frequencies, for lack of a better term for the language and music of the universe, determine the health and function of these energy centers normally called chakras.

We perceive chakras as well functioning when they correctly and actively allow the frequency of source and divinity's creative attributes in to nourish the being wholistically, the physical body included. This we judge in many ways also based on our perceptions of polar opposites of what is good or what is bad to one. In all of this a human being is perceived as possessing a degree of ability to manage the frequencies they tune into on the inside and out, the key is control, the power is in descipline but the absolute strength is in knowing...but how much do we really know?

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