Fire And Ice

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Born from divine mystery, it is absolute madness to strive to understand fully the  circumstances and contributors to our present day existance and reasons behind but due to the previously discussed phenomenon... Here we are, in thirst or seduced by instiable curiosity and or harshly diven and tormented by the haunting of the call.

We as we are, are an extremely strange phenomenon and even more  mind warping when one acknowledges the coexistance of seemingly polar opposite traits and aptitudes each and every one of us possesses within. Something like fragmanted pieces of a super structure of information, all carrying enormous memory; built with a minute platform to express some, but not nearly all.

Living, existing, perceiving through our minute platform of expression (which i will attribute to physical self awareness and identity), we take pride of our strides in at this at this point perceiving through categories, picking out to study, observe and analyze one concept out of the infinite pool of resource. We recognise in hues of primarily dark vs light, good vs bad; and as eras passed we have further achieved breakdowns of these to try and group and categorise whatever fell through the middle.

But are we done? Have we reached ultimate comprehension?... Well, had we made it there, there would not be any more of that noise like an earworm of absolute torment persisting. Where are we... The acknowledgement of the charring heat and flame twisted in balanced chaos with the rigid enigma of ice. Hard to seperate, because this is one of the foundational realities we cannot shake, but  why and how?

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