R&R - Echo

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Echo followed Tex as they went back into the building. They walked in silence for a bit, but then Tex spoke up.

"Dude, what the hell was that?"

Echo looked at him confused, and held out his hands in a 'what do you mean gesture.'

"C'mon man, you know what I mean. You hate people. Since you started staying with me and Bee we've tried like over fifty times to get you to come to parties, talk to people, do something. Then tonight, you call out to me with your brain powers saying you need help at the front. But when I get there you're just sitting on the steps next to Loona. And you want me to help you talk to her. What gives?"

Echo shuffled uncomfortably. He was avoiding eye contact with Tex and seemed to be trying to look at anything but him. After a couple seconds he spoke in Tex's mind with telepathy.

"I didn't want her to feel like I was ignoring her. She had tried to talk to me and I didn't want to seem rude"

Tex looked at him confused.

"That's never stopped you before. I've seen you completely ignore people's existence when they try to talk to you. What was different this time?"

Echo looked down, almost like he was embarrassed.

"...I thought she was kinda cute..."

Tex stares for a second. Then what can only be described as a shit eating grin started to grow on his face.

"Ooh my man! Little Echo has a big crush!"

Echo throws his hand up in exasperation.

"I knew you were going to be like this. Should've just kept my mouth shut... or thoughts to myself technically. Either way you're being an annoying ass about this."

Vortex laughed and made a shrug.

"Hey man," he said. "What kind of friend would I be if I didn't tease you about this? Can't wait to tell Bee about it."

"Oh hell no." Echo shouted in his head.

"You can't tell Bee about this. If she finds out she'll be insufferable. The questions and teasing would be non-stop."

Vortex shrugged.

"Hey, I can only hide so much. She is my girlfriend after all. We try to be as honest as possible with each other."

Echos shoulders rose and fell in a sigh. The thought of Beelzebubs reaction to finding out he had a crush was enough to send shivers down his spine.

"Just give me till tomorrow at least? That way I can recover somewhat from being slimed?"

Vortex nodded, and they continued walking. Several people tried to call Vortex over to them as they walked through Bees palace. But he simply waved and kept walking with Echo, almost acting as a body guard for the mute. Finally they reached an area that was more like a normal house than a venue for parties.

"OK. Get cleaned up and get some rest. I'll let Bee know what happened, and I won't mention your crush. She might stop by later to check on you knowing her. I'm glad you made it home safe man."

Echo nodded and made a thank you gesture. After Tex left, he got about cleaning himself up. Most of his outer clothes were thrown in the wash. Being a sinner, his appearance was affected by the way he died. His skin was permanently blackened and charred, and random parts of his skin were smoldering and burning. His throat was permanently mangled, a result of how he died. The helmet and mask he wore, along with the trench coat hid it well. He got into a shower, reveling in the feeling of hot water on his skin. After washing himself, and spending a good amount of time just enjoying the water, he got out and dried himself with a towel. He then dressed in a t-shirt and some camouflage patterned sweatpants.

Just after he got dressed he heard a couple of knocks on his door. Guessing who it was, he wasted no time in heading to the door to open it. Bee didn't like to be kept waiting.

Echo opened the door and was immediately almost tackled In a 4 armed hug.

"There's my little Marksmen! Tex said you had a rough mission today!"

Bee ruffled Echo's hair, much to his chagrin. She giggled as he tried to fix it.

Beelzebub had taken on an almost motherly figure role towards Echo. It was a strange dynamic that left everyone, including herself a little confused. But she couldn't help but feel caring and protective of Echo. It was a feeling that came the moment they met. She also got into the habit of affectionately calling him her 'little marksmen' after seeing his skills with firearms.

"Was there a lot them? Oh I bet you fucked. Them. Up! Going around like 'pew pew pew!' Nothing stands up to you, my dude!"

Echo couldn't help but laugh silently. Sometimes he found Bee's personality to be... a lot. But other times her enthusiasm was quite endearing.

"Yeah the hive was a bit bigger than normal. But I made it out ok. Ended up covered in slime though."

Bee made a face in disgust.

"Ew. Bugs are gross on their own. Bugs that spit slime? Double ew... But I'm glad you made it out ok. Not that I ever doubted you... I just worry sometimes."

Bee looked to Echo, a touch of concern showing on her face. Echo smiled reassuringly in return.

"You don't have to worry about me. I'm tougher than I look," his shoulders shook in a silent laugh.

Bee smiled brightly.

"Good, cause you look tough as hell. Now, I have to go be the amazing party host that I am, and get a good high while I'm at it. But you, little Marksmen, need to get some motherfucking rest. And tomorrow you're gonna tell me all about this hive, and how you absolutely destroyed those roaches. Ok? Ok."

Again Echo laughed silently. They embraced in another hug before Bee went to the door. She blew a quick kiss, then left, flying back to the party. As the sound of her wings grew faint, Echo went to his room and climbed into bed. Tension that he didn't even realize he was holding left his body and he started to drift to sleep. As he lay, he couldn't help but think about Loona again. He couldn't name what exactly it was, but he just found her alluring. He silently cursed himself for not getting her number.

"Next time... if I ever see her again." He thought to himself. And with that he let the days events catch up to him and drag him fully to sleep.

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