Familiarization - Loona

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Loona was woken up by the sounds of Blitzø moaning in pain from the living room. Groaning silently to herself she got up to check on him. Exiting her room she saw Blitzø half hanging off the couch, clutching his head. The blanket from last night only covered one of his legs and some of his stomach.

"Rise and shine sleepy head!" She shouted, intentionally raising her voice to aggravate his hangover.

Blitzø groaned and tried to hide himself in the blanket, rejecting the fact that he existed in this moment.

"Uuugggghhh... wuh happen...?" He mumbled, his voice muffled by the couch cushion.

Loona smirked. "What happened is you tried to kill yourself. Only you chose Beelzejuice as your weapon."

Blitzø moaned again in agony. "Well that explains the hangover. What exactly happened last night? I remember going to pick you up, but after that, nothing."

Loona sat on the couch by Blitzø's feet. Seeing him in so much pain she started to feel some sympathy for him. "Well... I might be partially to blame for this. You showed up to pick me up, and some people recognized you. They were trying to get us to stay, and I thought one of them was kinda hot. So I convinced you to come in. After that, things kinda spiraled out of control.

"Eeeegh... did you atleast get some action? Or his number, or something? It wouldn't justify how I feel but it would at least mean it wasn't for nothing." Blitzø almost shouted, but quickly lowered his voice, wincing a bit from the pain.

Loona blushed a bit and looked away. "...well no...." Blitzø sighed. "I mean at least not from him. There was someone else. And I got his number..."

Blitzø smiled. "There we go. Did he ask you, or did you ask him?"

"Ugh," She groaned in annoyance. "Does it really matter?" Her teeth were showing, reflecting her anger.

"Oh come on its not every day my daughter likes someone enough to swap numbers. I need details!"

Loona flattened her ears and bared her teeth, trying her best to look annoyed and grumpy. She would never admit it openly, but she actually really liked it when Blitzø called her his daughter. It made her feel good, like she belonged.

"Ugh, if it's sooo important, I asked him. Happy dipshit?" Loona folded her arms and tried to look annoyed. It seemed to somewhat work, and Blitzø backed off a bit.

"OK ok," he said. "Just let me know how it goes. And if I need to cave any skulls in." His voice took on a darker and more sinister tone.

Loona gave a small smile and nodded. Blitzø then got up from the couch.

"Well, I'm gonna cook some food to help with this apocalypse level hangover. I swear if my head hurt any more it would split open. You want anything Loony?"

"Sure," She said. "Make whatever you want. I'm fine with whatever."

Blitzø nodded and got to work cooking. As he did Loona stayed on the couch and pulled out her phone. She spent a good amount of time just staring at the new contact that had been added.

"What do I say? Is it too soon to message him? What if he only took my number to be nice and doesn't actually want to talk?"

As she was thinking this there was a loud clanging that came from the kitchen. Blitzø could be heard shouting in both pain and anger from the loud noise, and it was enough to make Loona smirk.

"I'll just keep it simple. I'll say hi and then ask some questions to get to know him."

She selected Echo's contact and started a text message.

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