Insomnia - Echo

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The walls shook from the bass of the music. Echo lie awake, staring at the ceiling, his anger growing by the second. First he's slimed by giant cockroaches, then when he tries to recover from it, he is kept awake by the stupid party. He even tried using ear plugs at one point, but he could still feel the vibrations and it was distracting enough to keep him awake.

He finally decided that he wasn't going to get sleep till the party ended, so, despite being exhausted, he got up and got dressed. Luckily his coat had finished being washed, and he threw it on over the t-shirt and sweatpants he was wearing. Next came his helmet and mask. He knew it looked a little awkward, the combat gear with relaxed clothes, but he was still self conscious about his throat, and wouldn't go in public without trying to cover or hide it. He then left the more homey section of Beelzebubs palace and made his way back to the venue. Hopefully Tex wasn't surrounded by a bunch of people and would just hang with Echo for a bit.

As Echo got closer to the venue, he could hear chanting start to grow louder and louder.

"Blitzø! Blitzø! Blitzø!"

'Blitz?' He thought to himself. 'Like blitzkrieg? Why would they chant about war?'

He got to the venue, the chanting reaching its peak in volume, and saw a large crowd with a small clearing in the middle. In this clearing was an imp, and Bee. The imp had dappled red and white skin, and long horns that swept back behind his head. Both were going to town on a keg of who knows what, and all of the party goers were cheering them on.

Echo rolled his eyes. He wasn't against drinking, but he was much more calm about it. He preferred a relaxed approach to his alcohol.

The imp then ripped the plug out of the keg and drank it all in an astonishing feat. The crowd roared in approval and even Bee gave the imp props. He was then carried off to who knows where.

As he was being carried away, Bee had a look of concern on her face that most would miss. But Echo, with his eyes as sharp as ever, noticed it almost immediately. Without hesitation he made his way to her, weaving through the crowd. When he got close he called out to her mind.

"Everything ok?"

Bee jumped a bit at the sudden voice in her head, but then turned to Echo and smiled.

"Hey look who joined the party! And yeah I think so... maybe? What are doing here though? I though you were resting."

Her voice turned a little concerned.

"Couldn't sleep. The music was keeping me up... I saw that look Bee. Somethings bothering you, isn't it"

A small smile grew on her face.

"Of course my little Marksman would notice."

Echo rolled his eyes.

"Ugh it's bad enough you call me that, at least don't do it around other people."

She giggled.

"Alright alright. But to answer your question, I'm pretty sure that guys not ok. Everyone drinks and parties to forget their troubles in one way or another. But this dude is going way overboard. To the point where it's causing problems for other people."

Echo folded his arms.

"OK. So what are you gonna do about it?"

Bee shrugged.

"Well, it wouldn't be the greatest look for me if I told him to stop. If he's having fun then I can't fault him for it. The spirit of gluttony and all that. But I know he's with that little pup Tex invited. Maybe we can talk to her. At least then someone will be aware and can check on him. Make sure everything's good."

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