you interrupt on accident.

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Age: 16

Summary: You interrupt Taylor and Joe on accident.

You get off of the bus, after having a long hard day at school, one of your friends was turning against you for no apparent reason, just trying to get you into trouble for literally no reason, and you just wanted to get home and talk to your mom about it. 

You drag your feet along the pavement, airpods in your ears as you walk away from the bus, toward your house. You remember a time when Taylor used to pick you up from school, but she's always so busy at the studio these days, you had no other option than to take the bus. 

Her boyfriend Joe, had been in London for the past few months, as he got more jobs in London due to the accent. He had been like a father to you in some ways, but he had only been in your life since you were around 14. You refused to call him dad, not wanting to get attached to anyone but your mom. 

As you get closer to home, you let a few tears slip, just before the house comes into sight. You push your key in the door, twisting it gently. You go inside and slip your shoes off, placing your bag down. Benjamin and Olivia come to greet you, Meredith sitting on the couch, as she couldn't really care less.

You notice the house was unusually silent, so you call out. 

"Mom?" Even though you were adopted at four years old, you'd grown enough trust to call Taylor mom, except for when you were upset or frustrated with her.


You go upstairs, figuring maybe she stayed late at the studio. You go into your room and just start to cry out the awful day you'd had at school, when you hears faint noises of people talking down the hall, by your moms bedroom.

You get up, walking down. You only wanted your mom in this moment. 

You open the door slowly. "Mom?" you sniffle, immediately regretting what you just did with the sight you were greeted with. 

Your mom was laying on her back on her bed, almost fully naked with Joe on top of her, kissing her deeply. 

"Oh my god. I'm sorry um-" you turn around. "Um bye." you close the door and walk out, grabbing your airpods, phone and skateboard, and going to the skate park. 

You see one of your old friends from middle school. You guys still talk sometimes so you go over to her.

"Omg y/n, i haven't seen you in like forever!" she says, hugging you.

You're kind of blunt with your reply, making her try to change a subject into something you'd wanna talk about. Your mom. You're always up for talking about her and her career. 

"How's your mom, is she working on anything new?" she asks

"I'm not sure i wanna talk about her." 

"You guys fighting?" 


"Then what's up?" 

"I walked into her room and Joe was like on top of her and they were almost naked."


"ew indeed."

You guys end up skating for hours, until your friend has to go home. 

"I'm sorry, my Mom will want me home. Good luck talking to your mom about- yeah. Text me and we'll meet up soon." 

"It's okay, i should probably get back, i have like 13 missed calls from mine." 

"bye y/n!" 

You skate off, back home. Dreading the conversation that was to come. 


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