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It's been like a week I think since the last time I experienced the fresh air outside. The demons didn't tie me up as I thought they would but instead get straight into business. And yes that's what I like to call them. They never told me they're name anyway but they know mine. I was sitting curved up my knees near to my chest almost looking like a ball in the corner of many mirrors surrounding me. When a familiar man walked in dressed nicely. " hey zaya." He's voice was sweet. Honestly if I didn't know he's a demon I would have believed that he is always sweet. I didnt look up but I knew there was a needle thing on his hand. I can hear his footstep getting close and close until it stopped infront of me.

I didnt launch as I used to 2 days ago. I could see his neat shoes I could almost see my reflection on it. He kneeled but his knee never touching the floor as if afraid it will dirty his cloth. Without a word the needle thing he was holding pierced through my blue striped arm. I didnt protest nor did I feel the pain. Ofcourse I did feel it But now I'm used to it. The first day I screamed yelled and struggled but now it's nothing compared to how I feel on the deepest organs of my chest. After he got what he wanted he didn't even look back just got out as if I'm piece of trash he used and didnt want it anymore. I've noticed they're draining my blood to experiment on it I think. But they cared enough to give me leftovers which I hate to eat. But I couldn't ignore the pleading of my stomach.

Now I gave up all hope of humanity. I can't find one single hope to hold on to so I could survive. And get out but even if I did get out with a miracle where do I go to. My parents are dead the one I live with are dead to me. The world is dead now I'm dying. Gosh death really is fed up of all the things we did. I know for a fact that the people I was living with who are my adoptive parents wanted me to get out of there nerves anyway. I closed my eyes not wanting to think any more. Maybe it's because of the tiredness I drifted to sleep quickly.

Days turned to month months turned to years and years. Now I'm very used to it. Sometimes they would put me on a machine thing and let me sleep. But it's not the sleep of full blackness but instead it was some kind of portal. I will go through some tunnel thing and at the end of it it would be painful enough for me to let out a deafening scream. My whole body would shake and sweat and my mind would be filled with different color. My whole body inside and outside would stop functioning. I would stop breathing my heart would stop for a fraction of seconds I will go numb as if I was dead before they quickly open the thing I was sleeping on and get me out. And finally I would be able to breath and my heart would start beating as usual, unfortunately. Funny how I would struggle for dear life and when I find myself alive again I would regret it instantly.

Sometimes they would put a needle thing piercing through my skin and take blood. Sometimes they would hit torture me to see if I could feel it. Ofcourse, I could feel it. I'm human afterall or maybe half human. Every day I would ready myself for the next move anticipating dear death anytime. One day I was scrubing the other on the ground since I couldn't do it on the mirror wall the door opened. Making me flinch badly of the sudden action. I looked up to see three to four men standing at the wide door looking at me disgusted and some interested I guess. But the only thing I know is that I don't like it. "Get you're lazy ass up. We're moving." The one that was standing on the front spoke. From the way he dressed and talked I could guess they came from the military. 'Is this the end. Did death hear my calls.' With this thoughts I stood up before the two men came and dragged me through the open door even though I could walk.

It was not my first time looking at the lab considering the times that I got out for the agonizing experiment. But what caught my attention was that there was no people standing with white coat and glasses but instead there where few men standing separately wearing a military cloth. They were holding big things on there hands which I assumed that it was gun. My tail wavered a little at the sight of the gun. Its quit weird to say the word 'my tail' because I've been ignoring it from young age. It grew overtime to the point it became my third leg. I would tie it tightly to my leg and wore big trousers on it. It would waver and move a lot when I'm excited or sad.

When I grew up to fourteen years old my tail got longer and longer along my height. I would bend it to half and tie it tightly on my leg. It's indeed painful and it feels like when you bend you're leg for too long it would be numb. Eventhough I could hide my tail I couldn't hide my rapid growth of height. I looked like I'm in my twenty's when I'm just twelve years old. I completely forgot what i was thinking when I saw the outside I've been craving for like years. It was just sand but still I haven't seen sand since my stupid self decided to throw herself to hell. It was sunny and when I say sunny it means razer sunny. I could feel myself getting sweaty and sticky under the dirty dress the demons gave me to wear for my whole damn life.

There was a machine a big machine infront of us. " I got her get the damn helicopter ready." The military man who was the first person to talk to me ordered through the thing he was holding." Roger that." The machine spoke making my ears perk up. Recently I discovered a new thing on my body. My ears. They have grown longer than the normal human being. The instant I saw the reflection of my ears I remembered the fairy I used to watch on the movies. I laughed at the thought and sayed to myself am I really an alien. That's when my ears moved down surprising me. Honestly I've been enjoying discovering new things about my body. Even though it is painful when the new found discoverys are found and the demons would do different things to make it more painful I'm used to it. Getting the technique to walk comfortably like a spider. Hissing showing my new vampire like canines.

I didn't drowned much on my thoughts before the helicopter thing as the military man said started to move it's upper wings. I admired how much fast it could get and turn almost invisible. Before I could start comparing this machine to pen or something the men started to drag me to the helicopter. When I kept getting close the harsh wind that the helicopter's wind created hit me throwing me back but the hold of a strong hand kept me in place. I closed my eyes and feeling the fresh but harsh wind circulating around my body. I opened my eyes when I heard a clank sound.  I've realized it was the door of the machine. They sat me down and the demons sat on each side. One infront of me and two beside me. I kept my tail on the other side from the demons between me and the door.

Soon we took off from the ground making my eyes widened looking down at the land I was in minutes ago. I've never flied before so I was thrown off guard. It's been I think hours since I was flying. My eyes are heavy but I couldn't blink for a second afraid this is just a dream. I was looking through the window of the machine admiring the clouds and the land even if it is just bare. I ignored anyone and anything that is happening beside me only focusing outside. And suddenly I saw a big wall. Almost familiar to the wall of China. After we passed that's when my eyes widened more my heart quicken my tail moved my ears perked up. I saw the beutiful image I've ever seen. I never imagined a world like this could exist not even on my wildest dream. " we have reached pandora." The speaker anounced making me get back to sense. I saw the demons also heard it waking them up from there nap.

Pandora?.......PANDORA!?!! The freaking 'new environment' the government was talking about! Holyshit am i going to go there. Before I even have the thrill and process the situation the machine shook with a loud bang. Alerting the militar man. They frowned and looked at each other when another bang was heard. "Madie!madia! We have been hit!" The demons who was sitting on the front franticly shouted. Now the military men started to panic. I just looked outside ' comeon I can't even enjoy the little excitement I have. Now when I don't want  to die death just ruin the dang moment. Well atleast I'm gonna die in beutiful land.' I said as I sensed we were going down with high speed. The military men were panicking shouting to the driver while the driver shook his head making the demons panic more. I smiled looking at they're pathetic scared when we finally crashed.

I closed my eyes drowning in the blackness and blocking any pain I felt on my body. I thought of how death would come and how I would react when it stands infront of me. I was anticipating what would happen next but I felt I didnt sleep at all.

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