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He looked at her without saying a word but pointing his eyes toward me directing her eyes to me. I looked away when I saw her making eye contact. I could feel her eyes roaming around me but I didn't dare look. I kept my gaze down as if my legs were the most interesting thing I ever seen. Indeed they are though. "Neteyem." She called making me look up to know who she called. The guy in front of me turned around to look at her. I figured neteyem was his name. I kept repeating his name on my head to distract myself from her look. "Mom." He said with his ear perked up. I've noticed the moment I opened my eyes that they have the same features like me but my skin and there's are different.

But previously when I was looking at the my leg I noticed there was a blue colour on half of my toes. I looked down to see again to make sure I wasn't overthinking. I flipped my legs to see the back of it when I saw indeed I was not overthinking. My eyes widened. My breath hitched. "Who are you?" I heard a soft voice but firm like the leader but it was the fimale voice. I looked up and saw how she tilted her head cautiously like the leader. Who are this two. They don't look alike but the woman looked like neteyem and neteyem have the leaders eyes. It didn't take me long to realize that they are couples. And neteyem was there kid. "I am zaya. The demons kept me for...for...." i couldnt finish the word maybe because i dont want to say it or because the dang pain that am familiar with hit me harshly.

I scrunched my nose and closed my eyes trying to not let out a sound. The first wave passed but it was still there but not harshly. I opened my eyes to see neteyem looking at me concerned like the dragon thing look at me when I was pulled back. I smiled as if it was instinct to reassure him which took him by surprise along with mine. But before I mutter any other word another huge harsh wave of pain like never before hit me. I groaned holding my stomach on my hands because that's were the pain was coming. I arched my back closing my eyes and hissing showing my canines. It didn't stop even though it normally did. But this time it tormented me as if it was angry at me for something.

A tear escaped my eyes flowing as a river. "Please...help." I muttered In the middle of it. I think I wanted them to kill me then what the hell could they do. That's the only choice I had to stop it. As instinct " kill me......please just....kill me." The last 'kill me' came out as a shout while the other words where whispers. I heard nothing but my own screams and pant as the pain increased. second passed by before I felt a hand on my shoulder and the back of my knees.

As before I felt that someone picked me up. I opened my eyes to be met with neteyems neck. When I felt that the wind started to get more cooler and more windy for some reason the pain started to fade away. It was still there but it felt nothing as harsh as before. I looked around to see that I was flying.not only me but others were flying on they're dragon thing. I looked down to see that I was sitting on the dragon thing too. I gasped holding on to neteyems hands. I looked at him bewildered as he's eyes met mine.

He smiled seemingly teasing. But soon it faded when he noticed the scars all over my body. He's eyes held anger but I missed it because I was shocked. "Neteyem." I said as I looked down to the ground........pandora.......it looks amazing. "It's beutiful, asshole." I muttered the 'asshole' so he could here it clearly. I think my impulsive thoughts won and replyed him for that teasing smiling. Now I'm afraid of letting my intrusive thoughts win to jump off.

I heard neteyem's laugh distracting me from the battle in my head. I looked at him while he was focused infront. But still he chuckled. It was temporary laugh but still it caught me off guard. I wanted to hear more."what?" I said raising my eyebrow seeming innocent. He finally lifted he's eyes and looked at me. "Nothing, you just look funny when you're shocked." He said. It was the first time I heard him say full sentence.

"You're lucky to see that. Nete, it's rare you know." I snickered. I didn't realize what I called him until I finished. Gosh I hate this instincts. Unbeknownst to me he was smiling at me while I was blushing hard without releazing. Soon we were on the ground I was the first to jump down. I felt my feet touch something that's not new. I looked down and saw the grass the green grass I missed seeing. I couldn't help butkneel down to touch the grass. Even though I touched the grass on the dream I think where the dragon thing was there I still didn't touch or even see green in my world.

I was so lost my hands going through the grass that I didnt notice neteyem had gone to his parents to be scolded. I looked up when my mind returned to reality to see neteyem and another young guy standing together head down especially the other young guy. The leader was scolding them I think from what I heard was because they were not supposed to be in the place where I crashed. They should have stood gerefor a lookout. Neteyem replyed with "yes sir" I felt bad for the other guy for some reason. He's eyes and ears were down muttering the same thing as neteyem. I felt bad for him surprising myself. They're mom was glaring at the leader. I smiled at the closeness of this family unlike mine.

I think they finished talking cause they started staring at me. That caught me off guard making me jump a little. I picked myself up to stand and look back to the people. I don't why but I think because the wind is gone my stomach ache got back. Why can't I have peace. I sighed looking down. All the blue aliens were staring at me. Funny how they are alien to me while I'm the one alien. But I'm one beutiful alien though. I smiled at the thought of praising myself. 'I bet the people think you're crazy right now smiling like that.' My mind accused. I looked up to see if it was true. Before I even process they're look I heard someone speak. "Who is she mom?" I heard a kids voice. I looked to see who the kid is when my eyes met a little kid holding someone's hand.

When I saw the girl who was holding the kid I was shocked almost had a stroke. This.......this-this...is the girl I've been dreaming about for a long time. Always in my dream she would sit on a grass and talk. I could hear something but I can't form a word out of it. And when her lips stop moving I would wake up and remember her face with a name popping in my mind.'Kiri' was the name that will come into my mind as soon as I woke up. I tried to figure out what she is talking about but the only thing I hear was a distant sound. This dream started at the same day my stripes started to happen and started to fade like five or six days ago.

"....ki-....kiri?" I muttered looking at her shocked face indicating that it's really her. I tilted my head when she looked to the guys beside her. She was beutiful but I noticed that she was different. Well not like me I have the skin tone of the demons while her......she is light blue I guess. She had her hair down to her shoulders like the others and the portion of her hair was dropped on her forehead. That was exactly how I saw her in my dreams. "How did you know her name?" Their mom asked firmly. I was shooken up by the tone. But ofcourse I should've expected it afterall they never seen me before. I understand her wariness so I opened my mouth to explain but before a sound left my throat something catches my attention.

In the corner of my eyes I saw the flying thing which is directed at me. Some of the people gasped including the mother. "Ma eywa!" The mother exclaimed. My heart picked up I don't know if it was from the name the mother spoke of or the strange flying little thing. It had some kind of hairy thing surrounding it. It was miday but still I could see there is a light in the middle. And soon a bunch of this things floated from different direction to....me. I froze when the first one touched me slightly. I had the urge to shake it off at first but then I felt something strange. There is a lot strange "things" here but right now I feel familiar to this but at the same time strange. I felt warm not outside in the deepest part of my heart. Soon every part of my body was covered with the flying things. I held my hands up afraid I will crush one of them. I took a deep breath almost shaky one while everyone surrounding me was looking at me fascinated.

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