What If The Contract Did Not Exist? (2)

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Warning: Mature Content

Despite not wanting to give in to her husband as her individuality was more important to her, Meerab found herself to be very much aroused and wet. Furthermore, her husband was hovering over her with his hand pinning her wrists above her while he supported himself with the other. Due to this proximity and the fact that by some miracle she had gotten a really handsome man as her husband, her body was going against her mind and she couldn't control herself which angered her on him even more.

"Mujhe kisi se dar nahi lagta," she retorted but her voice quivered ever so slightly which didn't go unnoticed by Murtasim.

"Of course," his voice was a husky whisper making Meerab shiver.

"Tumhe kisi se dar nahi lagta," he repeated her words in that same voice causing Meerab to arch her back as her body craved his touch. She couldn't understand why just his voice was affecting her so much.

"Han mujhe nahi lagta dar kisi se bhi. Especially you. Tum se tou bilkul bhi dar nahi lagta," she replied.

"That's good. Lagna bhi nahi chahye," he whispered, his lips mere centimeters away from hers.

Feeling his breath mingle with hers was doing something to her that she couldn't understand. He had now placed one of his knees between her thighs and subconsciously she rubbed herself against it for a millisecond before realising what she did and immediately stopped. Her face coloured crimson as her gaze met with Murtasim who had obviously noticed her action as his eyes were now dark with desire.

"Do you want me Meerab?" he asked.

Flustered and needy, she replied without thinking. "Y..yes!"

Before she had a chance to process his question or her answer, his lips crashed on hers. When she didn't open her mouth to give him access, he let go of her wrists and lightly squeezed her ass causing her to gasp and his tongue slipped inside her mouth easily. His kiss wasn't soft and gentle, it was hard and fast filled with need and desire.

His hands roamed all over her body, cupping her breasts and squeezing them, sliding down her stomach to the hem of her lehnga which he lifted up. Meerab felt exposed and vulnerable but also excited and aroused at the same time. It seemed like she was losing herself to the heat and passion building between them. In response, she reached for his belt buckle and unfastened it, allowing her fingers to explore the warm skin underneath. They both moaned in approval, their tongues tangling together, desperate for more contact.

Meerab could feel her body heat rise to match Murtasim's as she pressed closer to him. His hands continued to explore her body, caressing her hips, and pulling her closer. As if lost in a trance, Meerab allowed herself to surrender completely to his sensual touch. This newfound passion was unlike anything she had experienced before, and it sent shockwaves through her entire being. The tension and animosity they had held earlier dissolved into a fierce desire for one another.

Their hands traveled across each other's bodies with increasing urgency, teasing and pleasing, until they couldn't take it anymore.

Meerab pulled off her clothes, eager to feel Murtasim's hands and lips all over her bare skin. Murtasim followed suit, shedding his own clothing with an equal sense of anticipation.

As their naked bodies met, there was no denying the passion that burned between them. With each touch, the fire grew stronger, igniting an intense connection that neither had expected.

Meerab found herself reveling in the feeling of being wanted and desired by her husband. She abandoned any notion of defiance and embraced the passion that was consuming them both.

Their union became a primal dance of desire, fueled by their growing trust and understanding of each other. The atmosphere thickened with the scent of their sweat, the sound of their moans and gasps filling the room. Every touch was accompanied by a whispered word of encouragement, further intensifying the experience.

Meerab's hands gripped Murtasim's shoulders, her fingernails digging into his skin as she felt her orgasm approaching. Murtasim responded by tightening his grip around her waist, pressing his hips against hers, and driving deeper inside her. Their eyes locked, both seeing the passion burning bright in the other's gaze.

With each thrust, they shared an unspoken communication that went beyond words. The intensity of their intimacy built up steadily, reaching a crescendo that left them both trembling and satisfied.

Exhausted but connected, they lay entwined, catching their breath and letting the embers of their passion cool. Meerab rested her head on Murtasim's broad chest, listening to the rhythm of his heartbeat. She realized that she hadn't been entirely truthful about her feelings - the idea of marriage to Murtasim Khan still terrified her, but she couldn't deny the undeniable chemistry between them.

I'll upload a valima night scene as well this reaches 100 votes.

Here you all go! Three different versions of this what-if had been living in my mind rent-free since two weeks. Hope you all liked it! Please vote and comment.

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