Valima Night

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This is the continuation of "what if the contract didn't exist?" and I will be making these OneShots from different scenes in the drama.


Murtasim entered his room to find his bride all dolled up for their Valima. He would never admit it out loud but he had lucked out and gotten a literal hoor as his wife. As much as he hated Meerab, he couldn't help but be captivated by her beauty.

She was seated gracefully on the blue couch in their room, looking young and elegant in the dress she wore. Her long dark hair were cascading down her back in soft waves, framing her face with its delicate features. The dress she was wearing was made of luxurious fabric that was draping around her body like a dream, the intricate embellishments adding to its beauty and elegance. A bridal veil was resting atop her head, completing the look with sophistication and style.

Murtasim gulped as his eyes scanned his wife from head to toe who, he realised, looked even more beautiful in a light coloured dress. Then his mind decided to wander and he couldn't help but think about what lay underneath her Valima Dress.

While he was busy admiring his wife, Meerab lifted her gaze to look at him and their eyes met. Meerab looked at Murtasim Khan, who had become her husband in every sense less than 24 hours ago due to the circumstances that had altered her life forever. However right now, she just stared at his well-built figure, clad in a black blazer and suit. She could now understand why her friends at college had always teased her about having a really handsome cousin. At that time, Murtasim had only seemed like an unnecessary stress to her life whenever she visited Hyderabad, but now things were different. They were married, and even though they hated each other, the pull of lust and desire between them was palpable.

Meerab came out of her thoughts when she saw Murtasim forwarding his hand towards her. She looked from his hand to his eyes, remembering the different places this same hand had touched on her body. A slight shiver went down her spine at the memory.

Then he spoke up, "Chalay? Sab mehman aa gaye hain. Ek sath chal ke jana hai."

At the mention of the guests waiting, the events of the previous days rushed back into her mind and a surge of anger consumed her entire being.

"Ye Valima hum dono ka hai aur meri marzi mei jab jau aur jese bhi jau," she replied looking away from him.

She expected him to shout or fight her, which was exactly what she wanted. But instead his entire demeanor softened as he asked her again, his hand still held out to her, "Chalay?"

It seemed like an eternity passed before she hesitantly put her hand in his and stood up from the couch to walk outside with him, hand in hand.

As they stepped into the meticulously decorated garden, a hush fell over the crowd, and all eyes fixated on the radiant couple. Meerab couldn't suppress her infectious smile, relishing the attention that had always been her muse.

Seated gracefully on the ornate stage, she gazed out at the enchanting scene before her. A troupe of exquisitely dressed dancers assembled, their silhouettes illuminated by the soft glow of countless fairy lights. The musicians' enchanting melodies resonated through the air, a siren's call that beckoned her heart.

The music's beguiling notes seemed to possess Meerab's very being, drawing her into their enchanting spell. Without hesitation, she glided onto the dance floor, where the dancers moved in perfect harmony with the rhythm. Her every movement echoed the graceful cadence of the music, a mesmerizing performance that rendered her oblivious to the disapproving gazes of her family, who struggled to suppress their disbelief.

As Meerab twirled gracefully, she suddenly locked eyes with Murtasim, whose furious gaze bore into her like a searing flame. Her dance came to an abrupt halt, and she raised her eyebrows, a swirl of confusion washing over her. Murtasim's intense anger sent shivers down her spine, and she instinctively began to retreat as he stepped towards her, uncertainty clouding her every move.

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