Imaginary Heлpers

20 26 0

The shock is far too intense to react. Hedy stands, watching Atty eat her mother. Her squinty eye became even more so, twitching like crazy, almost as loud as the *crunch crunch* of Helle's bones.


"She hurt you." This explanation seems too short but Hedy understands it. 

"Are you really my imaginary friend?" She asks.

"Watch the video and you'll see." They say, grinning. 

The advert begins like an old animation from the 70s; the greens and reds and yellows bleeding past the assigned lines, the smiles too bright, the false happiness well polished. A child is sitting on a bench at school, crying because no one likes her enough to play with her. The teachers notice and one of them calls a card with the words: Iмaдinary Нелpers 

"Is your child lonely and friendless? A bit of an outcast? Unwanted, unloved? Call Iмадinary Heлpers Co. at 01-46-21-46-84 for more information!

WARNING: We do not promise in any certain terms or conditions we'll be liable for any accidents, emotional or physical damages that result from the imaginary friends. 

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