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"Thanks" I said as he gave my my coffee 

"Hey um whats your name by the way?" Wilbur asked as he leaned on my table 

"I'm Y/n" I said putting on a fake smiling to hide my nerves 

"Cute name...c-could i have your number?" He asked as he leaned towards me slightly, my heart sank when i heard those words, my head started to spin, i didn't know what to say so i just nodded 

"Really?" He asked as he pulled out his phone and handed it to me 

I smiled slightly and wrote down my number, god what was i doing, why the fuck am i like this? I handed his phone back with my number and name in it, he held the phone like he was a child presented with a gold star 

"I- t-thank you" he said as he smiled brightly at me 

"No problem" I said as i sipped my drink and my hands shook slightly but i made sure to hide that i was nervous from him 

"Text you later" Wilbur said shakily as he walked away, he looked so proud of himself and i just sat there, in utter shock that i gave this guy my fuckin number, there was nothing wrong with this guy i just got a weird vibe from him, he was pretty cute i must say but....he wasn't right

After i finished my drink i got up and started to walk out before Wilbur called out to me 

"Have a great day Y/n" He said while smiling and waving at me 

"You too" I said with a nervous smile as i walked out, i put my headphones on and started to listen to music but the whole time i was walking i couldn't help but feel like i was being watched....i kept looking around but no one was there, only passer byers who smiled at me or said 'good morning' to me....but there was someone there, someone had to be watching me

or maybe i was just going crazy, but thats not it no..i am not fuckin crazy i'm sure someone is watching me 

As i got home i locked my front door like i always do and went into my kitchen and grabbed a knife, for safety of course cause if some fucker tries to kidnap me i'm not going down without a fight 

I went into my bedroom and took my baseball at with me too, i brought my things into my office also with a Monster because i need one alright? end of story 

i sat down on my chair and went onto my computer and started to watch random Youtube videos to pass the time, i also went onto Pinterest to pass the time and its a slight addiction so y'know gotta feed into that 

As i was sitting on my chair, music blaring in one ear i heard a door creak, i stopped my music and gripped my knife tightly and listened 

I heard nothing only my slightly heavy breathing, i listened for any other sign of life....nothing just me and my weapons in my house at this moment, i slowly clicked play on my song once again but this time i lowered the volume 

I was so paranoid and scared at this moment in time..i watched my door with eagle eyes convinced i would see the door knob move 

I looked at my screen for a few minutes to watch a funny video, it was of a cone on a skateboard which is pure beauty, so i saved it to one of my many pinterest board and just as i expected i looked over at my door

Knob slowly turned...I grabbed my knife tightly....i closed all my PC tabs and stood up....i grabbed my baseball bat and my phone....i watched it turn...and turn...until the door slowly creaked open...

fuckin hell this is it....


hello all hope you all are well

and hope you all are so happy to wait to see what happens to Y/n 

love you all >:D

670 words  

𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐬 - Simpbur x GN! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now