✮Hi? oh shit..hi ✮

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"Hey Y/n" Said a deep male voice, suddenly i realized it was

"Chandler! hey" It was my older brother Chandler, i guess he was just checking in on me and my very unfortunate situation

I look up and see Wilbur pacing back and forth 

"So how've ya been, watcha dooing?" Chandler asked, when i looked up to see Wilbur he was harshly mouthing something at me 

"You are fine! you are fine and your at a friends house!" Wilbur harshly whispered at me and i nodded 

"Yeah i've been good thanks, i'm staying over at my friend Wilbur's house, how have you been?" I say as i look back at Wilbur who's still pacing and nodding his head

"Pretty good thanks actually, yeah just hanging out with my boyfriend Jason so yeah" Chandler said as i heard another male voice say 'hi' 

"He says hi" Chandler said while laughing 

"Hi Jason" I say as i Wilbur looked at me with sharp eyes and i tried to avoid his gaze 

"Hi Y/n" I heard Jason say before Chandler took the phone back 

"Alright Y/n we'll let you go, don't do anything i wouldn't do with Wilbur ok?" Chandler asked as he chuckled a bit 

"I could say the same thing about you and Jason, bye bitch" I say as i hang out and look at Wilbur 

"Who the fuck was that and who the fuck is Jason?" Wilbur asked sternly before he grabbed my phone from me and put it face down on the coffee table 

"I- it was my brother Chandler....and Jason is my brother's boyfriend" i say as i look at Wilbur in a bit of confusion on his sudden stressed tone and his sternness

"I- b-boyfriend?" Wilbur looked up at me with wide eyes and a relived smile 

"Yes..my brother is dating Jason...what about it?" I ask as i squint at him

"I though that Jason was some guy you liked!" Wilbur said as he laughed  

"What no! he's not really my type to be honest....more of Chandler's type, he's bisexual, tall, longish black hair and has blue eyes, nice guy but not for me" I say as i sit there as i laugh a bit 

"Oh i'm a total and complete fuckin idiot" He said as he laughed and put his hands on his knees, his laughed turned from a normal laugh to a more manic laugh which was unsettling to say the least 

"I AM SO STUPID MY DARLING, I AM A FUCKIN IDIOT" Wilbur said as he put both his hands firmly on  my shoulders 

"HOW COULD I EVER THINK THAT YOU MY BELOVED Y/N WOULD LIKE SOME OTHER MAN! GOD Y/N I'M SO DUMB, TO EVER THINK YOU WOULD LOVE SOMEONE OTHER THAN ME?" Wilbur said as he looked straight into my eyes, he looked quite insane and all i could do was sit there and nervous laugh along side his manic laughing

I looked around the room as i nervously laughed 

"Oh god...i feel so stupid" Wilbur said in a more calm tone as he sat down next to me and gently placed me on his lap 

He smiled as he gently stroked my hair and whispered somethings that sounded like 'mine...so beautiful...mine...i love you...mine' I sat there as i smiled a bit not knowing what i was suppose to do in a situation such as this

Wilbur gently planted a soft kiss on my lips before going back to playing with my hair, he looked so happy as he played with my hair and stared at me, when i looked into his eyes all i could see was love and pure adoration for me

I smile at him as i sit there, it feels like hours that he's sitting there admiring me but the hours or what felt like hours are quickly interrupted by a loud knock at his front door

"I'll be back" Wilbur says as he moves me off his lap and back on the couch 

"And if you dare move, you'll be spending the rest of your days in the basement" He said before kissing my forehead and running to his front door

I sit there too scared to move, i hear talking from the front door and then the closing of the front door and Wilbur walking back with a cardboard box in hand 

"Good job~" He says as he gently kisses my lips and sits back down next to me 

"What was that about?" I ask due to curiosity 

"Got a package delivered" he said as he put his arm around my shoulders "So it was nothing important"

I smile at him as he leans his head on my shoulder 

"Want to watch a movie dear?" Wilbur asks as he looks at me with puppy dog eyes 

"Sure" I say knowing i probably didn't get a choice weather we were to watch a movie or not because the other option would have been sit in my 'room' with him snuggling me...i mean i wouldn't complain buuuut i'm a bit to scared to actually say 'no i don't want to watch a movie' because of the consequences that may be there

"Great" He says as he kissed my cheek and puts on netflix and puts on a random movie

A while into the movie he gently places his hand on my thigh, i don't say anything but only look down at his hand for a moment before gently placing my hand on top of his hand 

Wilbur looks over at me and i give him a slight smile, he slowly leans close to me and gently kisses me on the lips, i kiss him back out of instinct, after a few seconds of holding the kiss he pulls away and smiles at me, i smile back at him and continue to watch the movie 

At this point i lost track of what was happening, i zoned out in the first 10 minutes of the movie and now its half away through the movie so i really have to clue whats going on 

and i'm alright with that...


i am back once again, hello long time no see i know

love you all and hope you all are doing well and are feeling well 

take care of yourselves and stay safe mwah xx

1040 words 

𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐬 - Simpbur x GN! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now