Chapter 1~ This is the forest of death

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Owlkit stood up slowly, shaking his head.
For a heartbeat he forgot where he was. But only for a heartbeat.
He felt no pain.
Shouldn't I be... dead? He looked down and saw his paws- he could slide through them!
Beneath his paws was a pool of blood.
My blood.
He turned around, and saw exactly what he had expected: his own body.
I am dead. He thought sadly.
He lifted his glimmering paw to lick it, but a movement from his body caught his eye.
His real paw had twitched.
He put his spirit paw down and the real one twitched again.
I- I'm still alive?
"But then I must get into my body! I need help."
He looked at his surroundings.
on either side of him were steep cliffs, and in front of him and behind him was a steep, narrow path.
Probably best if I don't go too far from my body. It would be nice if I could get up to the top of that cliff.
Air rushed against him, and he found himself at the top, gazing at the misty forest.
That's very useful.
As soon as he got use to the strange smells, He started hearing quiet, raspy voices.
"No one gets out of here alive."
"No one gets out of here when they're dead either."
"We are here to stay, and now you are too."
The last whisper he heard chilled his bones and made him shiver.
"This is the forest of death."

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