Chapter 3~ I just need to talk

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"William, why do everycat call you Tom? That's not your name!" Thistle asked, gazing up on the roof where his brother sat, looking down in shock.
"Thistle?" William kept repeating. "Is it actually you?"
"Yes, it's me." Thistle purred again for the fifth time. "Why are you here? I thought our housefolk said he was going to keep you."
"He did." William nodded, still in shock. "But he died. Now me and our mother live here, with this kind man."
"Mom's here?" Thistle's pelt twitched with excitement. He hadn't seen his mother for so long!
"Yes, she's inside." William jumped down onto a fence. "I'm sure she would be happy to see you."
"Great!" Thistle jumped up onto the fence beside his brother. "I really missed you, William."
"William?" William hissed, spinning around to face Thistle. "My name's Tom! Don't call me 'William'."
"Sorry!" Thistle cowered down, waiting for Will- no, Tom- to calm down.
He shook his head and sighed and jumped down to walk towards the house.
Thistle quickly followed.

Inside was dimly lit, but cooler than outside.
Thistle saw the kitchen and the living room, and on one of the couches he saw four cats, cuddled together.
"Who are they?" He asked.
"Those are some of the cats that our owner has. Mother is probably on the windowsill in the other room." He beckoned him to follow.

Sure enough, on the windowsill he saw a brown she- cat.
"Mother!" He exclaimed, running over to her.
She looked down at him, but her eyes were cloudy. She sniffed and let out a purr. "Thistle!" She jumped down and nuzzled him. "What brings you here?"
"Well, I came here to say hi."
"But what brought you here in the first place?"
A quest. "I need to find a cat named Quail. Do you know where I could find her?"
"Of course!" Tom broke in. "She's my future mate. What do you need her for?" he looked suspicious.
"I just need to talk."

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