2. Escaping Reality: Wade's Refuge in the Cybercafé

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Wade wandered aimlessly on the street until he stumbled upon a newly opened cybercafé at the corner. Desperate to escape the indifference of his family and the torment of his classmates, he hoped to numb himself by playing online games for the rest of his life. So he pushed the door open, found a seat in the corner, turned on the computer, and immersed himself in the virtual world.

After a couple of hours, the porters began to move some unfamiliar equipment, creating a lot of noise. Irritated, Wade unplugged his headphones and glared at them. Curiosity then got the better of him, and he leaned over to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Be careful, this equipment is very expensive!" said one of the porters.

"Is it something new?" asked the other.

"Don't you know? It's a necessary facility for the new game. I heard it can transport you to a whole new world," replied the first.

"Entering a new world? How can that be possible?" Wade muttered to himself, intrigued.

Lost in thought, he resumed playing online games. Suddenly, the owner of the cybercafé approached him, wondering whether he had paid. Panicking, Wade stuttered and fumbled for a response. Just as he was about to run away, the owner grabbed him by the collar.

"Hey, buddy, pay up before you run away," he said in a gentle yet firm tone.

"I didn't mean not to pay. I really have no money. I'm a loser, bullied at school and domestically abused at home. Please forgive me!" Wade pleaded, on the verge of collapse.

"So you're running away from home?" asked the owner.

"Yes, I am. I have no place to stay," replied Wade, looking forlorn.

"Well, I can take you in, but you'll have to do odd jobs. But here's the catch: if someone comes looking for you, I'll have to turn you in. Otherwise, I won't say a thing." The owner sympathized with Wade, recalling a similar experience he had faced in the past.

"I can't thank you enough, boss. You're a lifesaver. I'll work hard," said Wade, breaking into a rare smile.

From Pixels to Realms: Adonis's Path to HealingWhere stories live. Discover now