Chapter 2

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It was a Friday, after her work shift, when she finally decided to follow him home, and ask him out.

It was a crazy idea, she knew it, but her heart was controlling her.

She couldn't sleep, or even eat after she met him, he had gotten stuck in her head.

She wore a black outfit, to not be much noticeable, and followed him.

Kendall waited at the gas station where he was buying some products, and followed him inside.

She walked through the stalls and could not help but stare at him.

He looked dashing, her heart beat against her chest at a fast rate.

He turned to see her, but she moved quickly.

Did he see me?

She asked herself, and slowly turned to see him moving out of the shop.

She quickly followed behind him, and hid behind a corner.

Her heart stopped when she saw him speaking to another woman.

Is that his-

She couldn't dare ask that question

She was laughing with him, and they held hands, going somewhere.

Her curiosity got the better if her, and she followed.

Maybe it's his sister or-

She reassured herself, and stealthily followed the pair, to an old house.

It looked like a family house, and was a bit big.

Kendall wondered if the two lived together

Maybe they're married and - NO

She pushed the thought away.

The entire atmosphere screamed danger, but Kendall just wanted to be sure.

She watched through the window as the pair sat down behind the fire place.

She couldn't see much, but she could tell that the woman was wearing a blue coloured dress, with a seductive smile.

"You look good in green", she heard him say, "But you'd look better in red"

A crazy smile grew on his face.

Kendall watched as the male pulled a sharp knife from from his back, and stabbed the woman three times in her chest.

She froze in shock.

Blood spilled everywhere, covering the floors.

He covered her mouth to mute her screams and cries, and continued to stab her with a crazy glint in his eyes.

He watched as life slowly drained from her face, and as she stopped struggling, he said, "No fun at all, they die too early".

Kendall covered her mouth to prevent the scream that threatened to spill.

Tears slowly ran down her cheeks and she felt like puking.


She felt her whole life crushing down, He licked the knife and moaned at the sweet taste of her blood.

Kendall moved backwards and accidentally knocked down a bucket behind her, making a loud bang as it hit the floor.

The man slowly turned, and watched to see Kendall, before she gathered strength and ran away.

Instead of him freaking out, he smile again, and cleaned up the mess, humming a tune.

Kendall run through the alley she never knew, all that was in her head was to run.

Run Kendall RUN!

She didn't know if he was following her, she didn't want to find out.

Kendall regretted going there, and she knew, that her life, would change for good.

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