Chapter 19

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Kendall quickly rushed upstairs, making an excuse that she was tired and needed rest.

Once she entered, she saw the sharp knife that was on the dresser.

This was not here before...

Did Anne leave it here?, for my escape?

If Anne had left behind a weapon, then Kendall was sure something bad was going to happen.

Kendall held the handle, and watched her reflection.

I'm going to leave this place tonight!

She knelt down, and faced eastwards, and prayed to God for strength.

"Please help me tonight..."


It was night time, and Kendall was still in her room. She had been there long enough to know the layout of the house. All she needed was a key.

She heard strong footsteps approaching, and held the knife behind her.

The door opened to reveal Charlie.

"My brother is not home, but he ordered me to get you ready for the ceremony".

"Please go, I'm right behind you"

Charlie smiled, "it's nice to see you not struggling, trust me, you'll love it here".

Kendall only smiled in return.

Charlie got up, and turned when he winced at the sharp pain behind him.


He gurgled and fell down, watching as Kendall stalked closer with a bloody knife.

"I'll never be happy here"

Kendall brought the knife down his chest several times, watching as blood pooled out of the fresh wounds, and coated her outfit. She grabbed the key on his neck.

She heard footsteps again, and Anne rushed inside.

Seeing the mess, she frowned.

"Kendall, you need to go, He is coming".

Kendall nodded at her, and thanked her.

"Let's go together"

"No, I'm tied to this family"

Anne raised her top to show Kendall the numerous scars on her body.

On her stomach, a deep 'Marcus' was carved.

"He was going to do the same thing to you"

"Thank you, Anne"

She rushed downstairs, only freezing when she saw him.

"Darling, you are going to regret this!"

He lunged at her, with fast reflex Kendall moved to the other side.

He saw that and quickly jumped on her.

Now, they were both on the floor, struggling with the knife.

"I wanted to keep you, but you just had to ruin my plans-"

He suddenly stopped.

Kendall watched as a blood spot pooled on his outfit.

He fell down, and she saw Anne holding a now bloody knife.

"Finish this Kendall".

Kendall felt tears pool in her eyes for some reason, was it anger, or fear, or genuine sadness?

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