Chapter 6

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Kendall's heart raced as she quickly entered her apartment.

She shut the door with a bang, and ruffled her already messy hair.

"Why, just WHY?!", She screamed, gripping her head tightly.

Kendall screamed as loud as she could, and fell to the floor, as tears flowed down her cheeks.

The door opened as Blake rushed to her side, giving her a hug.

"Shh..", he comforted her, rubbing her sides, and whispering calming words into her ears.

Slowly, Kendall stopped crying and fell asleep in his arms.

'Please no!' she screamed, as she struggled to bring down the man on top of her.

'Come on Kendall, stop struggling!', he screamed, slapping her cheeks.

Kendall felt the strong, piercing pain on her cheeks, and felt tears spilling.

'Kendall, I can't let you go'

He brought out a knife, but before he could strike, Kendall kicked him of her with all her might.




Kendall shot up and hurriedly looked around.

She was in her room, and Blake was with her.

Blake tried to hold her hand, but she pushed away, whispering to herself

"He's not here, he's not here, he's not here"

"Kendall..", he held her close.

Kendall slowly placed her hand in his, and Blake rubbed her hand.

"It's okay, I'm here"


"Was it a dream?"

Blake poured tea for Kendall and sat next to her.

"How did you get here?", She avoided his question, asking her own.

"I was just passing by when I heard your scream", he clarified.

"Thank you", her hand trembled on the glass.

Blake held her trembling hands, and rubbed them slowly.

"I'm here for you, okay?"

Such a cheater

Kendall remembered of his girlfriend.

"Don't you have a girlfriend to get to?"

Kendall felt slightly uncomfortable with his gaze.

She pulled out her hand and stood up.

"Thank you Mr. Edwards, but you need to leave, your girlfriend must be waiting".

Blake stood up too, and looked into her eyes, silently begging her to let him stay

"My girlfriend?"

"She told me about your date today"

Blake slowly remembered his plans, regretting making them.

"Sure, I will see you on our next appointment", He left the house with a somewhat disappointed look on his face.

Kendall took a deep breath, and closed the door.

She slid down, and hugged her knees.

She was scared, she knew it.

Don't be scared

"Who are you?", She asked the non existent.

"Leave me alone!"

Kendall clutched her racing chest and took in slow breaths.

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