Chapter 1

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"Delilah downstairs please" My dad's voice came from the intercom, I knew that if I didn't reply he would send somebody up to check on me so I get up from my bed and press the speak button. "Be there soon"

I make sure my outfit was presentable seeing as I was going to meet my new body guard which I was less than happy about. Simon was great, but he was sadly assigned elsewhere. So now I had the job of trying to get to know a new grumpy man.

I grab my phone from my bed before walking downstairs, I did take my time which dad would most likely grill me about but at this time I didn't really care. I finally make it to the kitchen after saying hello to a few of our staff members. Standing in the kitchen was my dad, dressed up in his black suit like always, and a few guts from his team. I knew them all seeing as they are always here, except for one.

This guy was new, and definitely not a old guy like what I was expecting. This guy seemed to be around my age and was very droolworthy. I quickly advert my eyes from him before my legs turned into jelly. "Hi daddy" I say as I press a kiss to his cheek before taking a seat at the kitchen island.

"Hey darling, you know what today is" he spoke and I nod my head "a new bodyguard because Simon left me" I said the last bit a little bit louder as I throw a look at Simon who was standing by the kitchen door.

"Lilah" dad sighed at the time time Simon threw a bit of paper at my head, Simon and I had been together since I was ten so we were quite close, it was hard to get him to be the way he is now, he was always so professional and strict now he likes to crack jokes.

"The team and I thought long and hard about this and I really needed someone to be able to blend in at your school, so we chose Beckham here" Beckham stood to attention as he took a step forward and glanced at me before looking at my father.

"I'll take good care of her sir" I tried to stop my eyes from rolling at 'sir' but I lost that battle which resulted in Simon throwing something else at me, I knew if I looked at him he'd glare at me for rolling my eyes.

"I know you will, that's why you will be in all her classes, starting tomorrow" I let out a groan and drop my head down on the counter. It was easy with Simon, he just stood outside the door of my classes, and watched from a distance at school.


"And lastly the window alarm, if activated this will send an alarm to your phone and will show you a live feed of her room" I hated that there were cameras and alarms in my bedroom, but I had no say in the matter. I'm actually surprised the security team doesn't have one in my bathroom.

Here I was sitting on my bed watching Simon show Beckham every detail of my room, making sure he knew where all the alarms and cameras were located. "And now her folder" Simon said as he passed my 'about Delilah" folder over to Beckham. "Tonight you will need to study every last detail in this folder so you are prepared for tomorrow" Beckham nodded his head once as he held onto the folder tightly.

"And that should be all, if you need anything feel free to message myself or any of the security team" Simon told Beckham as they left my bedroom, leaving me to silence. About time.

I had nothing planned for the remainder of the day so I grab the controller to my tv and put my favourite show back on. The opening scenes started playing of Greys anatomy as I get comfortable under my sheets, not expecting to go anywhere today.

Oh how I was wrong.

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