Chapter 2

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The mall was pretty quiet seeing as it was four in the afternoon on a Sunday. Pretty much as soon as I was comfortable in bed I was informed we were headed to the mall so Beckham could get 'teenager clothes' as dad called it. So here I was at the mall with only Beckham, I knew this was also a test on Beckham to see how he'd handle being my security detail, no doubt someone from the security team was following behind just incase.

"Where do the guys from your school normally shop?" Beckham asked, I knew just the place so I motioned for him to follow me and I lead him to the store I knew would have something for him. Once in the store Beckham looked at everything with a slight disgust look on his face. He was currently dressed in all black, and most of these clothes were coloured with slogans or pictures on them. After a while he managed to get a few outfits, they were still quite plain but that didn't matter, he just had to look the part.

"Did you want to get something to eat before we head back?" I knew Paul our chef would be cooking dinner at the moment so I shook my head at his question. "Do you drink coffee?" I ask, he nodded his head so I lead him down to the food court where there was a starbucks store. I could not live without coffee. It's the best.

"Lilah!" "Jane!" I squeal back to my best friend as she ran over to me "Hey girl" I say as we pull away from our hug. "Hey you, ooh who's that hottie" Jane questioned as she looked behind me, I glance back to see Beckham was leaning again a pole scrolling through his phone but I could see his eyes flicking up to me every few seconds.

"Oh that's just Beckham, he's a good family friend. He's just transferred here" I explain with a smile on my face, I was given a run down on what to say about Beckham seeing as dad wanted him to be my secret detail which is why he had to fit in with the kids at school.

"Girl he's a hottie" I laugh because I knew what she was saying was indeed correct, Beckham was definitely a hottie. "Will he be joining our school?" She question as she averted her eyes from Beckham as he walked up behind us. "Yeah he'll be starting tomorrow won't you Beckham" he nodded his head before motioning to the counter where our order was ready.

On the walk down he had asked what I wanted and thankfully ordered it for us as I was a bit busy with Jane. "We gotta get going, but I'll see you in the morning?" Jane nodded and gave me another hug before she jogged back over to her family who were waiting for her. "That was -" I didn't get to finish as Beckham passed me my espresso frap. "Jane Miller, your best friend" I look up at him in shock and he just shrugged his shoulders as we headed back to the car.

"There's a lot of information in that folder" he must of had a look in the short time he had it before we left the house. "I hate that thing" I mumble as we reached the car, Beckham unlocked it before putting his shopping bags in the trunk before we both hopped in and buckled up.


"Dinner is ready" Paul's voice came through the intercom which made me quickly save my work on my laptop and run downstairs, Beckham who was coming out of his room as I ran past let out a little laugh as I flew past him. Paul makes some amazing food so I knew once he got a taste he'll be doing the same as me next time.

"Ah there you are" Paul chuckled as I entered the dining room. He had set out all the food, and set the table. "Thank you Paulie" He rolled his eyes and chuckled at his nickname before going back to the kitchen. "Wow" Beckham spoke from behind me as he looked at all the food. "Paul doesn't go easy on dinner" I say as I sit down at my usual seat and Beckham sat across from me.

"Hello kids, how was the mall?" I look up and smile at my dad as he walked in and took a seat at the head of the table. "It was good sir, we got everything we needed" Beckham spoke as he sat up straighter in his seat. "That's good Beckham, all prepared for Westlake High tomorrow?" Beckham took a drink of his water before replying to my dad. "Yes sir, I've read Delilah's folder multiple times and I'm fairly confident tomorrow should go smoothly" I roll my eyes at how they're talking to each other as I fill my plate up with food and dig in not waiting for them. This girl is hungry.

"Another thing is, I need you to be on all her socials, whatever your on these days" dad said as he glanced over at me at that last bit. "No problem sir, I will sort that out right after dinner" dad seemed satisfied with that answer so they both grabbed some food and dug in.

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