100K! Thank You!

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Hello everyone!

It's been a while since I updated anything on this account. I dont check it too often anymore, maybe once every few months, but when I come on here there is always a litter of comments that just make my heart melt. The majority are for His Majesty (Slide Away), which I find just so amazing that I can barely comprehend it.

I started writing this story in 2021. I was 16 and had just started college, but I had wanted to write this story since the early days of my account. I hated college, but the amount of breaks I had meant I could update His Majesty, and in the first year of college I don't really remember doing much more than that! :D

This story makes me so happy. I come back every so often and re-read it. I knew it was going to be a big project when I started it, but I didn't think it would take me a year. There are things I would change, my writing style has evolved since, things like that, but overall I am still so incredibly proud of this story.

100K on a story is something I could only dream about for ages. The fact that I achieved it, and on a story I love so much, is incredible. I've become distant from Mclennon in recent times, but the stories I wrote in this fandom wil always be held so close to my heart. All your comments, votes, saves... They make me feel ethereal. I love every one of you. So much.

I may return to the fandom one day. There are things I would still love to explore, maybe even some things further into the universe of HM too, but I am not sure if I ever will. I do not hate the idea, however I'm not sure if it's entirely on the table. Only time will tell.

Thank you all for your votes on this story, your comments, your saves, and most of all: 100K. 

I love you all more than I can express.

~Elizabeth <3

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