Clap Your Hands if You Believe

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The Winchester siblings were once again interviewing locals for a case. There have been four missing person cases in a short amount of time and many of the witnesses are saying it's UFOs and one woman saying it was fairies.

"What flying saucers not insane enough?" Sam asked loudly.

"Shut up." Harmony turned him. "If you weren't so freakishly tall I'd smack your head."

"I got ya baby." Dean said as he smacked Sam on the head for her. "Look, ET is made out of rubber but there are four vanishings in this town something's going on. And Sam by the way, it's not the lady's fault she took a brown acid. Empathy man. Empathy. Old same would have given her some doe eyed crap."

"Old Sam had a soul." Sam pointed out.

"Well soulless Sam is about to get a sneaker to the nuts." Harmony replied. "You being a total dick is going to make this town think we have to do with this so shut up and let Dean and I do the talking."

"You don't care Sam." Dean agreed.

"About what?" Sam asked seriously clueless.

"About everything man." Dean answered. "I mean old Sam would have gave Harmony a grounding warning just for saying dick."

"I can't just care about things." Sam defended himself. "What you want me to do? Fake it?"

"Yes." Dean and Harmony said at once.

"Fake it til you make it." Dean nodded as they got in their car.

"What happened about honest?" Sam asked.

"Honest is my thing and honestly you're a dick." Harmony said as she got in the back seat. "Since you are clearly as brainless and heartless as you are soulless listen to us cause we know how to actually not screw up."

Sam sighed irritated, he was really getting tired of a child telling him he's an idiot and other things.

The three of them went to the father of the first missing victims. However he was a watch maker so Harmony couldn't look into his eyes with those giant goggles on. The father didn't want to talk about his missing son but Dean gave him his phone number if anything comes up.

"What you think?" Sam asked.

"Well he's hiding something." Dean shrugged.

"Could be just grief, the first victim was still in high school." Harmony added. "Not crossing him off the list yet."

"Tonight I'll take a look at the so called crop circles we heard about you two keep an eye on him." Dean said. "Harmony makes the calls."

"What? Why?" Sam asked.

"Because you kill first ask never." Dean answered. "Harmony just needs a quick look in the eye and she'll know guilty or not. I don't trust you to make judgement calls. Harmony, anything happens kick his ass and call me."

Harmony nodded.

"You know I was on my own for a year." Sam told her as they walked. "I was fine."

"Your view of fine is not fine." Harmony glared. "You admitted to killing innocent people and you got Dean turned into a vampire, you are a lot of things but fine isn't one of them. If you weren't the body of my brother I'd treat you like anything else I've hunted and I'm stuck with you until your soul is back in."

Sam and Harmony followed the watch maker to a bar where he was drinking down booze.

"Poor guy." Harmony said before she spotted a pinball machine and went over for a round.

Descendants Daughter of Hades AU Part 6Where stories live. Discover now