One: Escape

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I never thought I'd find myself in a situation like this, running for my life through the narrow streets of the city with an angry mob hot on my heels. My heart pounded in my chest as I darted around corners, desperately seeking refuge.

It all started when I attempted to steal a precious gem from the local lord's mansion. Little did I know that the gem held deep sentimental value to the townspeople, as a "symbol of their unity and history". As soon as the alarm was raised, the whole city seemed to rise against me. The mob grew larger with every passing moment, fueled by anger and a sense of betrayal. Their shouts and curses echoed through the alleys, their torches casting eerie shadows on the cobblestone streets. I knew I couldn't outrun them for long, that's when I remembered Sakura's living on the outskirts of town.

I've been working for her, ever since I got caught stealing from her. She had me try out her new potions and for me to get the ingredients for them. Although I've been working for her for about a year now, I can't complain it's better than being turned in to the local guards. Without hesitation, I changed course, sprinting towards the outskirts where the forest began. The mob was closing in, their torches casting an eerie glow on the trees. Panic set in, but I couldn't afford to slow down now.

Finally, I burst through the dense trees and stumbled upon the quaint cottage, covered in ivy and surrounded by an enchanting aura. This is it. I pounded on the door, desperation in my eyes. The door creaked open, revealing a short disheveled woman, her eyes gleaming with tiredness. "Ezra... what brings you to my doorstep today?" she asked, with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

"Sakura," I gasped, "The king- the townspeople-." I stopped to catch my breath."T-They're after me. Please let me use the new elixir. I-I'll do anything.." I stammered.

Sakura sighed, her weariness evident. "Ezra, I haven't tested it yet. It's not safe. And I will not allow you to get hurt." She hesitated for a moment "Well come in, I don't want anyone seeing you."

With a reluctant sigh, she led me inside her cottage. She gestured to a chair. "Just wait here, alright."

I nodded and settled into the chair as Sakura disappeared into another room. The cottage was filled with a subtle, mystical aura, and the shelves lined with curious objects piqued my curiosity. Still, my focus remained fixed on the task at hand.

While Sakura was out of sight, I reached for the small vial filled with the shimmering elixir that she had prepared. With trembling hands, I raised the vial to my lips and drank the iridescent liquid. The room seemed to spin, and a surge of energy coursed through my veins. I fell to my knees, I began coughing uncontrollably, my chest heaving with erratic spasms.

Sakura rushed back into the room, her eyes wide with concern as she saw me on my knees, gasping and coughing. She knelt beside me, her hand on my back, trying to steady me."Ezra!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with worry. "This wasn't-? I- just... Hold on! I'll try to help."

I struggled to catch my breath, as the effects of the elixir continued to wreak havoc on my body, I felt myself growing weaker and more disoriented by the moment. Sakura's concerned voice seemed to fade into the distance, and a sense of lightheadedness overwhelmed me.

With one final, labored breath, I lost consciousness, slumping to the floor in a state of deep and uneasy sleep. The room around me blurred into darkness.

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