Epipsde 2 part 3

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Hey guys......

Been a while....

Um, anyway happy birthday to me xoxo

Ari's pov:

Ok so everyone decided they hate this challenge, not gonna lie I kind of agree. Anyway Jo slapped mike and all I thought was 'how the fuck does he bend like that, boy has the future of a stripper with that back.'

I mean I really didn't have anything big to hide, my life was kinda boring. Courtney was a good sister, my parents were a but controlling, but nothing crazy. Oh! We do have a cat called sapphire and I love her!

Anyway, we were walking over to where the next part of the challenge would take place, when I felt an arm link with mine. I looked up and saw Anne Maria staring down at me. "Hey doll, everyone else is kinda muluo, so I thought I'd hang with you." (Anyone get the reference?)

"Oh, ok Annie! Oh, sorry! Sometimes I just come up with nick names for peop-" she cut of my rambling and smiled. "It's ok honey, I love it! I call you Ari you call me Annie. Two A's!" I smiled at her, Annie was a such a sweet person, sure she had a tough exterior but I can see past that!

We chatted for a bit, despite jo giving us death glares every now and then. "Um Annie, why' s Jo looking at us like that?.." I asked, whispering so the female jock didn't hear me.

"Oh don't worry your pretty little head doll, she's just jealous she ain't got what we have." She boasted confidently. "What we have?" I asked curiously, not quite understanding her. Suddenly her face went kinda red and she started saying random stuff. "Oh I mean um our..friendship! Yeah our friendship! Just two smoking hot girls doing hot girl things. And jo is NOT a hot girl. I don't even think she's a girl." Annie raved on but I just looked at jo, it must be hard constantly being told you look like a boy.

I mean maybe jo wasn't so bad, maybe she just needed someone in her life. Someone to talk to, and that's coming from the one with social anxiety. I mean I understand her to a certain level. (Ok author stop shoving in your own feelings.)

Anyway we reached the next part of the challenge eventually, on the way Annie was just talking about how we could try go to the final 2 together, and I liked that idea.

We all looked up at the challenge-






He explained the challenge to us, basically it was just an obstacle course with rats and maggots. But obviously one team held an advantage with our team having more people.

"Ok I can see why this won't work out, so to make it fair. Maggots, nominate a player to sit this one out." Now I'd LOVE to sit this out, but I feel like there's someone who needs it more than me. "Cam, I know you said that things but physical stuff, so maybe this isn't a you thing?" I tried to sound as nice as possible but I fear I still came of condescending. But Cameron didn't seem to mind as he happily nodded.

The whole team seemed to agree so mike put his hand up. "Chris! We nominate Cameron!" Chris nodded as Cameron went to sit on a bench, ok now this challenge looks scary..


Yeah turns out I'm bouncing on giant boxing gloves, atleast Dakota's here I guess.

The game had already started because let's be real the author just wants to get this done, anyway I saw Scott was taking his SWEET time with his animal, made me feel bad for B. Poor guy couldn't even cuss him out.

But on the bright side mike got the maggot to me quick enough, before I bounced to possibly my death, I looked over to Dakota. "Um, Dakota. Goodluck." I tried being kind but I don't think she heard me over the paparazzi.

Ultimately I have protagonist plot armour so of course I made it and WONNNNNNNN




As I did a little mini celebration mike came up to me and hugged me, he slightly lifted me of the ground as I smiled, I think I was kinda blushing but it was hardly noticeable.

"Well done Ari! You were amazing!" Mike put me down as he congratulated me. I thanked him and was suddenly attacked by Anne Maria who was squeezing me WAY to night, and since she was a tall girl my head was in her titties.

I blushed basically bright red and awkwardly giggled, she didn't seem to notice as she kept hugging me. Mike seemed weirdly jealous, wait....does he wanna be in Annie's titties to?..


I mean who wouldn't?

Sadly later that day Dakota went home, I was just sitting on the dock until I started thinking about home. Me and Courtney would usually do everything together, and I also missed my bed..I missed my family..I missed my house. I know it sounds stupid but I was feeling really homesick. One of my bad traits is I cry over kinda childish things, like not being around people or things I love.

I felt tears begin pricking in my eyes, I tried keeping them in but it hurt. I wasn't used to being alone like this. When they started coming out I felt a presence next to me. I looked over and saw brick, he smiled at me and I couldn't exactly make eye contact.

"Hey soldier, how's it-....oh, um....are you okay?" He seemed to notice my crying and moved closer, he moved my hair behind my ear as I reluctantly shook my head.

"What's going on?" I turned to him, my eyes were red and puffy and at this point so was my face due to pure embarrassment. "It's stupid but....I miss my home." I looked to the side as brick smiled.

"That isn't stupid, In military training I always got home sick! It helps to be around people you love, but just know that while they're not here right now you can always come to me soldier!" I looked at him as he smiled. He gently reached an arm out and pulled me to him, I placed my head on his shoulder, trying not to stain it with tears. "It's ok, cry it out. It isn't healthy to keep tears in." He ran his hand through my hair as I let a few cries out, after I was done I felt better, tired, but better.


While bricks talk definitely helped, I still felt homesick, so I went to a person I can trust.

It was late at night and everyone was sleeping, I grabbed my stuffed animal, which was a yellow bear. (I LOVE TEDDYS)
And I walked over to anne Maria's bed. I gently shook her awake and reluctantly said. "Hey um annie..I can't sleep.." she tiredly looked at me and then smiled. She moved closer to the wall and patted the mattress, I climbed into her bed and felt her arms wrap around my waist, I began heating up but she just fell asleep.

It kind of reminded me of how Courtney would hug me, so that helped. Being homesick at my big age was always gonna be kind of embarrassing but we can move through it.

And eventually, I drifted of.

When I did chapter 3 it was my first day of year 8......IM IN YEAR 9.

Jesus Christ um.....I'm back I guess..

Anyway who's your fav reboot character? Mines MK.

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