Chapter four - A new opportunity

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Someone was calling her. Nya was still deep inside her thoughts but then realized that she had to wake up. The voice that was calling her, that at first seemed distant, was now much louder. Skylor was the one calling her, standing behind the red ninja that was protecting her from other snakes. Nya's eyes widened, finally coming back from her journey of thoughts she fallen in. She was about to stand up when someone offered a hand to help her. At that moment, the raven haired girl started to remember. She was being hypnotized by a snake, but someone saved her just in time, and maybe the hypnotic effect of the snake wasn't all gone when she looked at her savior. The blue ninja was right in front of her, holding out a hand. She gave a quick look at his covered face. She could see his eye, but the mysterious figure wasn't looking directly at her, in fact, his face was tilted enough to not be seen well. Nya grabbed his hand and stood up.
"Are you alright?" The ninja asked. His voice was low, maybe because it was covered by his hood. Nya could notice that he continued to not make any eye contact but decided to ignore that and nodded.
"I'm ok, just a little shaken," she then said.
The blue ninja nodded and then helped her reunite with Skylor that was still behind the red ninja, then he went back to fight some of the snakes. Nya had a strange feeling while looking at him. Did she see him before? He seemed so familiar.
Her thoughts were interrupted by her friend's yelling. Skylor was shouting at the red ninja that was hitting the snakes she was about to attack.
"I can defend myself, you know!" The red haired girl yelled at the red ninja that just chuckled.
"Let us do our job, princess," The ninja said, pissing her even more.
"Don't call me that." She said looking at him mad.
"You have to get out of here." The black ninja shouted while kicking some snakes with his golden scythe.
"I don't think that will be possible," the white ninja said, while hitting two snakes with his shurikens.
"We are completely surrounded by them." He then ended.
Nya looked around and noticed that other snakes had arrived. There were so many, and it seemed that they were determined to get the two girls.
"Yesterday they were just stealing candies for the little blonde moron and now they're attacking people?!" The black ninja shouted then he looked at the two girls.
"Did you do anything to make them angry?!" He then asked.
That question just made Skylor more mad.
"Of course not! Just a while ago I didn't even believe that those things even existed!" She shouted while punching a snake.
The black ninja sighed then he looked at his teammates.
"Let's finish them, guys."
They all nodded and then started to spin creating strange colored tornados and knocking down a lot of snakes in just a few seconds.
The two girls were speechless, looking at the four ninja's strange and sudden attack that made the snakes retreat back from where they came from.
"What was that?" Nya asked while the four ninja approached them.
"Spinjitzu," the black ninja said, stopping in front of the two girls with his teammates.
"Well you are safe now," the red ninja said, with a proud look in his eyes, the only feature shown through his hood.
Nya tried to get a better look at him, but was soon distracted by her red haired friend who grabbed her wrist standing beside her.
"It's better if you two go somewhere safe." the black ninja added, looking at them.
"Do you want us to accompany you?" the white ninja asked.
Nya was about to agree, but her friend answered faster.
"No, there's no need," Skylor said, quickly turning around with Nya and walking away from the four boys.
The black haired girl gave a little gaze at the four ninjas that were standing still looking at them, then she sighed and looked at her friend.
"You really don't like them uh" Nya asked, already knowing the answer.
Skylor sighed, while Nya started to lead the way towards her house, which they almost reached.
"I just can't stand them. Like, did you see the red one?! He was always trying to act cool, and it just pissed me off." the red haired girl said.
Nya shrugged while opening the door of the apartment. "I think he was just doing his job and helping us like the other three,"
"It's not their job! They're just four idiots wanting to be superheroes or something like that" Skylor said, getting inside the house with her.
Nya rolled her eyes and when she was about to continue their dialogue, her mother ran towards her and hugged her.
The two girls had totally forgotten that it was so late and Nya's mother was worried sick, since she didn't hear from them, after her daughter texted her after they got out of the restaurant.
"Are you two alright? Did something happen? From the news I heard that now the snakes are in Ninjago city's sewers!"
Nya sighed and told her about the sudden attack from the strange creatures, and then the arrival of the four ninjas that saved them. They talked for about twenty minutes, and after making the two girls promise to come back home earlier the next time, Maya sent them to bed. She really was upset about the arrival of those snake people.
The two friends talked for a while and then decided that it was time to sleep a little.
Nya looked at the ceiling, still thinking about what had happened and then again, at first, her thoughts were all focused on the blue ninja. She still had this strange feeling about that guy, but couldn't really understand what was wrong. She then thought about those strange fairy tales her mother always told them. Was she actually telling the truth?
Nya's mind was full of questions since now she was sure that those stories were true all along. She never asked questions about them since she never believed in them, thinking that her mother just had fun telling stupid stories she created, Nya always listened to them in order to make her happy. But at that moment there was only one important question that was wondering in her head; how did they manage to escape from their imprisonment?
Nya wanted to know more about what was going to happen to Ninjago city, because those snakes really seemed like a big threat. While she was deep in her thoughts her mind was starting to go blank, since she was so tired, and after a couple of minutes she fell asleep.
The next morning, Nya and Skylor woke up and while going to the kitchen together, Nya noticed that Kai wasn't home, since the door of his room was open and no one was inside. He surely wasn't a morning person so him being up before her wasn't an option.
After arriving in the kitchen and having a little chat with both of her parents about what had happened the night before, the raven haired girl asked about him.
"Where's Kai?" Nya asked, getting her friend's attention. It seemed that she really wanted to know too.
"Your brother is at his friend's house" Her mother said.
Nya could see a look of disappointment in Skylor's eyes and couldn't help it but form a little smirk on her face. Skylor seemed really into him.
After finishing breakfast, the two girls decided to go for a walk, wanting to talk about what had happened the night before.
"So the serpentine are actually real," Skylor begins.
"I heard one of them mention a blonde moron freeing them," Nya said, while walking next to her friend.
"Who is so dumb to actually free them?" Skylor sighs, quite annoyed.
"And last but not least, what are they gonna do now that they are free?" Nya then asks.
"Well I think they still want to rule over Ninjago, and maybe look for revenge on those who put them in their prison." hearing what Skylor said, Nya started to feel shivers through her back. Her mother always talked about how she and the team she was in, managed to imprison all of the snake tribes, so if those creatures were looking for revenge, maybe they were trying to look for them, maybe that was the reason those snakes attacked them in the first place the night before.
The black haired girl took a deep breath, trying to relax after having that thought while her friend started talking again.
"Hey let's get more information about the serpentine at the museum's library! We'll surely find some information there! Maybe we can stop them!"
Nya looked at her red haired friend with a confused look, "You want to stop them? There are so many of them and we couldn't beat them yesterday!"
"Well, we weren't ready yesterday, and if we find information about them we could be able to stop them! We could even use that mech Pixal's working on! This's a great opportunity!" Skylor said, determined.
"The mech she's working on is still a work in progress," Nya specified.
"Then we'll help her! Didn't you start liking inventing thanks to your little crush?" Skylor asked, with a smug smile on her face.
Nya couldn't help but blush at her last comment, in fact, she was right. Jay showed her the world of engineering and she started to like it a lot.
"Isn't the ninja's job to stop the snakes?" Nya asked, making her friend huff.
"It's not their job, and if it is, why can't we do it too? We could be even better than them!" Skylor exclaimed, making her friend chuckle. She seemed really excited about her idea, but Nya wasn't really that convinced; they saw with their own eyes how scary and dangerous those snakes were.
But then, the tales that her mother used to tell them came to her mind. If those stories were true, she, alongside Nya's father, had fought against those creatures and managed to trap them. Maybe they could do the same. A smile started to form on Nya's face.
"Alright, let's see what we can do."
In the afternoon of the same day Nya and Skylor decided to call their android friend and go to the Ninjago city museum to look for more information about the serpentine.
"Always right on time," Nya said, waving her hand towards Pixal that had just arrived while standing in front of the entrance with Skylor.
"Greetings friends," Pixal smiled at the two girls, stopping right in front of them.
"So, are you going to apprise me about what happened the previous night after our separation? You just mentioned a dangerous encounter." she asked, and while entering the museum, the two girls started to explain what had happened the night before and explain their new idea to their android friend, who listened carefully to them. When they finished, the group of friends had reached the entrance of the library inside the museum.
"First of all, I am relieved that the two of you are ok, and didn't get seriously injured, second of all, I told you that the serpentine were real, and third, even if your idea actually intrigues me, because I would be able to test my mech, I'm not completely sure." the robotic girl stated.
"But weren't you the first to say that you want to protect those who can't protect themself?" Skylor asked.
"Correct, but I can do that by only creating the mechs, I honestly don't believe that I would be able to actually use them." Pixal specified.
"And who would use them then? The ninjas?" Skylor asked again, seemingly annoyed, receiving a sigh from her friend.
"If you create the mech, we could use it to fight those snakes and protect the city! And don't tell me that's the ninja's job, because it isn't. They came out of nowhere, even the authorities weren't sure about them!" Skylor ended, sighing. "If they can be the saviors of Ninjago, why can't we?"
A little smirk made its way on Nya's face. "You really are jealous of them" Pixal laughed at her friend's comment that made the red haired girl a little mad, "I'm not!"
The android girl shook her head, smiling "Alright, so I'm imagining we are here to look for more information about the serpentines and to find a way to imprison them again?"
Skylor and Nya's faces light up "So are you going to make the mech and help us with our plan?" The raven haired girl asked.
"I still think it's a reckless idea, but I do want to cage those creatures away. And still, I need help for my project anyways." Pixal smiled at her two friends, and together they entered the library.
To make things faster, Pixal offered to scan the library's archive and look for the exact books that had information about the serpentine war and the different tribes, and their location in the bookshelves, but quickly discovered something.
"It appears that the majority of the books we are looking for are now unavailable. Someone is reading all of them right this moment." She informed her friends.
"What? And who is reading all of the books about that subject?" Skylor asked, and her robotic friend pointed at a table covered in open books in one of the corners of the library, where two figures were focused on reading.
When the two girls looked at the corner, Nya's eyes widened, as Skylos's smile widened.
A tall and lean figure with blond hair wearing a white shirt was standing, with one book in each of his hands, and an auburn curly haired boy with a blue hoodie was sitting next to him, looking at two different open books on the table in front of him, with a hand on his forehead.
The two people at that table were Zane and Jay.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2023 ⏰

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