HxH (X reader)

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Reminder that the HxH universe doesn't belong to me, I'm simply using it for this fanfic!

This is set in the Hunter x Hunter world and will be an 'x reader'. This will not allign with the actual HxH timeline. This will contain abuse, suicidal thoughts, blood and murder, which could be triggering for some readers.

No one's POV

Two females entered the library. One was an adult and was clearly mad. The other seemed like a teenager or a young adult, cowering from the older's hand on her shoulder. As soon as the door closed, the older woman tightened her grip and pulled the girl over to a corner of the library where no one would see them. She slammed the frightened girl on the wall, making her gasp a little from the sudden impact. 

"You better start explaining or I'll start beating", The woman snarled, barely managing to retain her anger.

"I- Please, mother, I'm sorry-", the girl cried quietly, hoping to not anger her mother too much, although that didn't seem to work. In reality, it just made the older female even more furious. 

"For the last time, it's ma'am to you, you little brat", as she said that, she grabbed the younger girl by the hair, causing more tears to fall from her daughter's eyes, dripping onto the floor. 

"Hey, hey.. you bad girl.. you made the floor dirty. What about the poor janitors who need to clean this whole mall every day… You're really selfish, you know? Try to think about others around you. You're not the center of the universe"

The mother yanked the other's hair, bringing her face away from herself. 

"Don't look at me, you whore. Yeah, I noticed how desperately you looked at the people around us. Trying to get help? You know you get punished for being a bad girl…", the woman mused, clearly enjoying her daughter's pain and fear. Suddenly, the door to the library opened in the distance, making the woman snap her head away from the crying girl and dropping her on the ground. When she looked back, her eyes were glimmering with malice. 

"You know what? I have a little idea for your punishment~", she spoke, venom laced in her voice. The adult slowly took out the girl's phone, which had been bought using her daughter's own pocket money, as well as her money and anything else in there. 

"You will stay here, in this mall, for a week. If you try to get food or money from other people, I will know. If you do the punishment for it will be even worse than this one", she explained, grinning as her daughter went limp, giving up on resisting. 

"Do you understand", she snarled at the girl, grabbing her face roughly so she would look her in the eyes. 

"Y- yes ma'am", she responded weakly. 

The adult left the library, wiping her hands in her handkerchief, feeling excited about all the things she would be able to do, since her failure of a child wouldn't be coming back anyways. 

3rd person POV

You stopped crying about an hour after your mother left. You knew you would never be going home. Well, the closest thing you had to "home" was a dirty house with smoke residue everywhere, an abusive mother and a different man in the house almost every week. 

At least, this would be a peaceful week where you would either die or get beat so badly you might as well die. 

You had given up on living quite a while ago, but more precisely when you were 13. It was your birthday and according to the people at your school, a birthday was an amazing day where your family celebrated you getting older and you got to eat cake and get a bunch of presents. 

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