JJK (x reader) Pt. 2

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Chapter 2! :D

Chapter 2

Reader P.O.V
As you finished stocking the canned foods shelves, you felt shivers creeping up your spine, as if you were being watched.

You turned around suddenly, but since no one was behind you, you frantically looked around, seeking something that could explain the strange feeling you had just gotten.

“What are you doing now?”, an exasperated voice rang out, making you jump.

“I, uh… I just finished stocking the shelves and I thought there was someone watching me for a second…”, you explained, relieved that it was just the shop owner, ms. Suzuki.

“If you're done, you should go to the register and get ready! I'll open the shop”, the shriveled up woman exclaimed, definitely used to the high schooler’s antics.

“Yes”, you answered, bowing your head slightly.

You walked off to set up the register, relieved that it was just ms. Suzuki and not another hallucination.

Near the end of your shift, you heard the bell ring, signaling that a customer had entered the shop.

You quickly shot up, getting rid of any evidence of you almost falling asleep on the counter.

You couldn't see him yet, because he was crouched down, looking at some items on a shelf.

You heard an ‘aha!’ and then saw him stand up, beaming at a box of kikufuku.

Well, at least… it looked like he was, since you couldn't see half of his face.

The man had short silver hair and was wearing a black blindfold, yet he seemed to see perfectly fine despite his obstructed view.

He was wearing all black and appeared to be quite muscular, as you could see from the parts where his clothes tightened a bit more.

“Hello, did you find everything you needed?”, you asked, smiling warmly to the stranger.

“Oh, yes. I was just wondering whether you had any zunda and cream kikufuku in stock?”, he responded with a grin.

You closed your eyes and rubbed your chin with your index, trying to remember if you had what the customer needed.

“Zunda and cream kikufuku… hmm”

Suddenly, you opened your eyes and clenched your hand into a fist.

“Oh! Zunda and cream kikufuku? Yeah, we do have some in stock!”, you exclaimed, proud of your brain for remembering something, which didn't happen that often.

“Give me a minute!”, you told him, speed-walking to the storage room where you kept the extra stock.

You wandered the shelves until you found what you were looking for. Unfortunately, there was still one problem.

“Ah… does he want the frozen ones or the ones we just got?”, you wondered out loud, pinching your chin.

“The new ones would be great”

You jumped as you turned around to see him bent down next to you, his face about five centimeters away from yours.

Your foot caught on a broken tile and you felt yourself falling.

Ah. I guess this is the end You thought, completely forgetting the fact that, as long as your other body was still alive, you technically couldn't die, as well as how a small fall like that would definitely not kill you.

You closed your eyes, awaiting your impending doom, when you realized that you weren't falling anymore.

You also realized that someone was holding you.

That was when your brain attempted to calculate who your savior was.

After about ten seconds of loading, you came to the conclusion that the only possible person that could be said savior, was the customer that stood next to you when you fell.

Your eyes shot open, only to see the man standing right where he was, yet the person that had caught you was still supporting you.

You pulled yourself up with great effort, then looked behind your shoulder to see who had helped you.

In the beginning, you only saw the worn down floor, but after a few seconds, you saw some kind of blob phasing through the floor.

Suddenly, your eyes widened and you stepped back, staring at the creature.

You could feel cold sweat running down your body and shivers crawling up your spine. Your body wouldn't move; you were frozen, unable to blink or breathe.

After a few seconds, you felt a hand come in contact with your shoulder. Your muscles relaxed and you felt like you had just been released from a powerful grip that had been squeezing your heart, preventing any oxygen from circulating.

“Hey, you good?”, the white haired man asked you casually, seemingly not noticing or paying attention to the black creature that had saved you from falling.

You turned to him and nodded slowly, still in shock when you looked back at where the blob had once been, only to find nothing.

“Wha- what the hell?!”

Your eyes trailed from the spot to the man, who was simply looking at you with an amused and somehow also thoughtful gaze.

“Hey~ you saw that curse, right? I know you did~”, he smiled like a child that had just found a new friend to play with.

“I know some place you would definitely love! Ever heard of Jujutsu High?”


“Jujutsu what?...”

You stared at him, wondering if he had hit his head during the short time you had known of his existence.

He laughed a bit and then grabbed you and the kikufuku box, dragging you to the shop area.

“Hey, old lady! I'm borrowing your employee for a while!”, he grinned at ms. Suzuki, who was already annoyed because of the long day with very few sales and her distracted employee dozing off during her shift.

“What?!”, she yelled in a high pitched voice. “Young man, you better pay for that kikufuku in your hand!”

“Granny, whyyy~”, you whined, fake tears forming in your eyes as you dramatically clutched your heart. “I thought I was more important to you than a box of kikufuku!”


Ms. Suzuki narrowed her eyes and glared at you, still being dragged like a sack of potatoes.

“You know what? Nevermind. I'll just deduct it from (Y/n)’s pay”, she muttered and turned away, going back to whatever she was doing before.

The white haired customer happily resumed dragging you outside, proudly holding his kikufuku and new victim off to who knows where.

Eventually, you fell asleep and felt your consciousness slip away from your body, cutting off all of your senses, yet still being somewhat aware of your surroundings.

After what felt like an hour of traversing a cold and empty void, you suddenly felt a heartbeat resonating throughout the silence, then your fingers twitched and you awoke with a gasp.

You shot up, almost feeling overwhelmed from the sudden sensations of your bedsheets against your skin, the AC’s gentle humming and the smell of fresh bread.

Wait- fresh bread??

Sorry, short chapter:( I did get back into it because of the sudden inspiration for something very far into the story line- I'm going to try to make the story a bit faster because it feels pretty slow, and I apologize in advance for the future developments, it's going to get pretty weird •́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀

1195 words

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