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Hello and welcome to this story!

The war was over and Voldemort defeated. Everything's good right? Wrong. When Hermione returned to finish her seventh year at Hogwarts and graduate, she just felt wrong. She immediately noticed something was off. Gifted with a deadly amount of curiosity, she can't leave it be. Following her feelings, listening to the voices and suddenly- Where is she? When is she? How did she get there? And maybe more importantly: How does she get back? Who is she?
When a strange girl suddenly showed up on the ground of Hogwarts, not knowing who she is or how she got there, bypassing all the safety barriers the headmaster put up for protection, the Marauders as self declared detectives make it their mission to figure this mystery girl out. What is she doing here? Where does she come from? Who is she? What is she?
Questions over questions and nobody to answer them, but...
As they figure out how the puzzle pieces for together, the find out they could also just rearrange them. To make the puzzle picture fit better to their vision of the future, their happily ever after. And soon Hermione finds herself sucked into another Mission to safe the world.

Okay I know I suck at summaries but I promise this story is better than it might sound.

This story will be written in English, but as it is not my mothertongue you can expect some mistakes and errors. If you find one you can, of course, point it out to me and I'll fix it - I'm always happy to learn something new! But please stay kind, we are all just humans and I am truly trying my best.

Feedback is highly appreciated! I always want to get better at writing and improve my style. So if you could give me feedback and constructive criticism, it would be great! Just please stay friendly :)

This story will be written exclusively in the third perspective, but the people in focuse will change. Let's be honest it's mostly Hermione centered though, because I love her and this is a story about her timetravel, but there will be insights into other characters, especially from scenes she isn't present in.

The chapters will be more on the short side, but at least 2000 words each. Some more, some fewer, but I'll try to keep them pleasantly short, because I myself prefer to read stories with shorter chapters over those with long ones.

I will not include a cast list here, just because I think it's better if everyone imagines the people they want to, but I created a Playlist so you can look at that if you want to.

Also make sure to check out the TRIGGER WARNINGS in the next chapter and notify me if I forgot anything. Thank you and stay safe!

And now...

I hope you have fun reading the story!

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