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Time moved too fast, you play it back - You are in love by Taylor Swift

MINERVA STILL remembered the first time she had stepped foot into Dumbledore's office. How secretly amazed she had been by the secret entry that would only reveal itself as such when fed with the right sweet.

Now that she was used to it, it wasn't as special anymore.

"Minerva. I had a feeling you would come", Dumbledore stated.

The old headmaster sat behind his long desk in his large chair, ready to judge everyone who walked into the room.

And of course he had known she would come. Because somehow he always did.

In the Beginning, Minerva questioned his ways often. Where did he get his information from? How did he know it even before she realized it herself? What or who was his secret to success?

Now she didn't even shrug anymore.

She had realized early on that it made living with him way easier, if she just didn't question anything about the Dumbledore persona anymore.

"There has been a development", Minerva started, sitting down in the chair opposite to Dumbledore without having been offered.

But she had spend so much time in this office, it felt almost like a second one to her.

"An unpleasant one." It was not a question. Dumbeldroe phrased and said it like a statement so Minerva just nodded.

"Yes. Well, Miss Evans, Miss McKinnon and Miss McDonald found an unconscious girl in front of the great hall."

Dumbledore seemed unfazed at that.

Of course he did.

"She was unconscious and wearing Gryffindor attire, although nobody, including myself, I must add, has ever seen the girl even on the grounds of Hogwarts before today."

"I see... I had a feeling", Dumbledore muttered.

And sometimes McGonagall thought he was just doing it to impress himself, that it was all just an act to keep up to make himself look better. Because how could he possible have a feeling for that? It's not like it happend on the regular.

But of course she'd never tell him that.

Instead she just looked at him, silently pleading for more information or a guideline of what she should do now.

"Has she woken up yet?"

"No. But Albus, how was she able to bypass the safety charms?", Minerva asked, worry and fear clearly evidend in her voice.

Dumbledore grabbed his glasses from his nose, cleaning them at the end of his robe and putting them back on.

His thoughtful expression remained. "I have no idea", he admitted honestly.

And that sentence almost made Minerva laugh out loud. It's like he has been reading her mind an listening to her thoughts.

"Mooney I'm telling you, something is up with the girls!", James exclaimed, sitting on his bed and eating from his favorite kind of gummyworms.

Remus just groaned. Sirius and James had been going on and on about how something had been different with them and how there was something they weren't telling them, it even bored Peter so much he had been snoring in the corner of his bed for twenty minutes. Sirius, who was currently pacing from his bed to Mooney's and back, hadn't even noticed.

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