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And I wake up in the middle of the night, it's like I can feel time moving - Nothing New by Taylor Swift

MARY, LILY AND MARLENE were looking at each other, waiting for the other one to say something as if they would expect their roommate to have the solution to all the problems.

"Okay", Lily cleared her throat again, "So... Uhm.. Let's start with the date. A chronological order is always good in an investigation."

"Yeah because we have done so many", Mary remarked silently, but of course she knew Lily was only trying her best. It must be horrible for the witch not to know about the girl, Marlene and Mary knew she was rather obsessed with knowing everything all the time, being prepared for every possible outcome.

Lily slightly glared at her, but Mary knew she wasn't trying to be mean.

"Okay so what day is today?"

Glancing at her calendar, Lily answered "September 25th 1977, which means... Fullmoon is on Tuesday"

The girls shot each other a look. They knew what full moon meant for their friend and they hated all the pain he had to go through. And although they couldn't actually be with him during his transformation, they always made sure he had a nice book, beautiful flowers and an insane amount of chocolate on his bedsite table when he woke up.

"Okay", Marlene said, the quill making a scratching sound as it glided on the Pergament.

Sunday, 25th September 1977

"Anything else", Marlene asked as she finished writing, looking up to meet Mary's waiting gaze.

"Well we could just state what happened today. As kind of like a log book or something."

The girls seemed to agree with that so after so time spend thinking about how to phrase it, they found the most obvious description to be the best.

After all, the pargement was only for them to read and understand anyway.

Today a mysterious girl appeared in front of the great hall. She seemed to be around our age, seventeen or eighteen, wearing Hogwarts school clothes of Gryffindor house. Despite her being clothed in red and gold, none of us ever saw her in classes let alone anywhere in Hogwarts. She layed passed out and unconsious by the door and is now placed in Hogwarts hospital wing.
Who is she? Where does she come from? What does she want? How was she able to bypass Hogwarts safety measures? Which side is she on?

As they finished the report of that day, the girls shot each other a meaningful look.

"Now... Where to hide it?"

"Between my robes and trousers?", Mary suggested. And while that might seem like a good hiding spot, the possibility it was forgotten and accidentally washed seemed to high.

Not that any of them could ever actually forget about the mystery girl.

After trying out some hiding spots, they eventually settled to glue it to the back of their hanging morrow with tape and only bring it out when needed.

Nobody would look behind a mirror, there was just no normal activity where you could excuse such an action. Apart from maybe redecorating, but nobody except for the three of them would do that, and they all knew about the parchment anyway.

"Oh and how do we explain our strange behavior to the boys tomorrow?", Lily questioned, biscuit in her hand.

Mary was chewing on one of hers in thought, obviously trying to say something but not being able to because of the food.

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