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And I'm back for the first time since then - Tim McGraw by Taylor Swift

TO SAY Sirius and James had been confused was an understatement, but they had recognized the situation wasn't about them and had no intention in making it about them.

This was a bloody medical emergency for merlin's sake.

But in their heads, they were already arranging lists of questions to ask McGonagall and Pomfrey later.

"She really woke up?", Professor McGonagall was asking just now, her voice filled with something the boys couldn't quite deceiver.

Remus would have probably known, but he was still knocked out. All the painkillers and overall the emotional and physical exhaustion of the night making him fall into a sleep he would only awake from in a few hours.

Earliest time.

The best friends saw Madame Pomfrey nodding and then saying something in a hushed whisper the boys weren't quite able to deceiver either.

Again, Remus would probably have heard it.

Then Pomfrey sighed. "She's asleep again."

Minerva nodded.

"What the bloody hell is going on?", Sirius exclaimed and only then seemed the two witches to notice the presence of someone else in the room.

"Mister Black, Mister Potter!", Minerva nearly screamed surprised.

"Oy didn't I tell you boys to not sneak in during the nights?", Madame Pomfrey gave them a look which immediately made Sirius and James look down in shame.

Maybe it has all just been a trick of their imagination.

Maybe Madame Pomfrey hadn't made it easier for them to get in, they had simply gotten better at it.

Maybe - and just maybe - they were breaking then thousand rules by wanting to spend time with their injured friend and thinking they were allowed to do it was just a trick they subconsciously used to make themselves feel better.

"I we--", Sirius tried to explain, but then he just sighed, "we can't leave Remus alone."

Minerva and Poppy shared a long look. James wondered if they were friends, maybe they had attended Hogwarts together?

A silent conversation seemed to pass between the two of them before Poppy sighed. "Just wait for the visiting hours next time", she called out.

James ans Sirius nodded eagerly, although they were sure their teachers knew they would never take this particular promise seriously.

Minerva shot them a strict look.

"Now I suggest you leave or else I might have to subtract housepoints from Gryffindor and you'll miss breakfast in fourtyfive minutes."

Sirius shot one last look at Remus, how he layed in the bed all stitched up and with out much thought he went up to him, pushed some hair out of his face and kissed his forehead.

It was only in sitting up again that he realized what he had actually done.

He froze in the movement, catching the eyes of James Potter who was staring at him, mouth slightly agape and wide eyed.

He hurriedly turned around to Professor McGonagall and Madame Pomfrey, a panicked expression on his face.

"I didn't-- this isn't-- Professor McGonagall, Madame Pomfrey, whatever you might think you have witnessed right now, I can assure you it has a one hundred percent platonical explanation."

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