My Kpop artist pt.2 🐰🦊

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Soobin POV
I could not believe my eyes, he was beautiful. His plump lips, fox like eyes, his hair falling over his forehead delicately. He was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life. How could he lie to me about his beauty. He's not ugly, not in the slightest.
Yeonjun = bold
Bold italics = soobin
"well now you saw my face, happy?" Yeonjun says, I could tell he was embarrassed.
"Yes, I'm very happy. I can't believe that I have THE Choi Yeonjun under me right now, I can't believe you're so short. How sad" I say, teasing him about his height. He was so cute and small!
"yah! You're just a few inches taller." Yeonjun exclaims with annoyance in his voice.
"Whatever you say hyung" I say, making sure the hyung part is extended.
"hyung? How old are you?!" He says, blush now creeping on his face.
"I'm 22,  so you're hyung." I wink at him. Yeonjun stays there for a second, he suddenly becomes red and pushes me off with a gentle push. I chuckle at his cuteness, he grabs his mask back from me and puts it on.
"Imma head out, I'll be back later.." his voice quivering, he must still be shocked.


"Hello! What would you like?" I say, today has been a bit slow, but I don't mind. Less work for me.
The girl in front of me looks at the menu and then at me.
"I'll have a caramel macchiato" she smiles, she seems sweet, it's crazy how she and Taehyun might have similar taste buds.

I go to the back to tell beomgyu we have an order.
"Beomgyu, we have an order, caramel macchiato." I say, he nods and starts working on the drink, stealing a few glimpses from Taehyun who's baking pastries. I can tell beomgyu likes him, but I don't know about Taehyun, he isn't the easiest to read.

Once the order is done I give her the order, she smiles, and before she goes she says "hey, could I have your number? Not to flirt or anything but I would love to be friends!" I look at her, with no expression on my face, trying to read her. She's pretty easy to read. No intentions in trying to flirt, no nothing, just a pure question.

She looks like she's in high school. I think I've been too quiet, gotta answer her.

"Sure, by the way, are you in high school? I say, not wanting to sound like a creep.
"Yes, actually! I'm a Senior in a high school near by." She says
"Oh, ok, sure we can be friends, what's your name?" I say, Might as well ge to learn about my new friend.
"Oh my name is danielle, I think I have a friend who might be related to one of your friends?" She says, her accent is a bit funny, she might be a foreigner.

"Really? We should def hang out more then!" I say, but before she got to answer someone comes behind me and hugs my torso. A bit surprised I look behind and it's yeonjun. I could recognize that hat anywhere.

"Wait wheats your name?" She askes, as she looks at yeonjun's arms with a smile, im so glad she doesn't look annoyed.
"Choi soobin"
"Okay, bye soobin hyung!!" She says as she turns around and walks out. She was my last customer so I head to close the door. I forgot yeonjun was still on me, so I kind of struggle to move to close the door.
"Who was she." He says, I can tell he's annoyed, so I decided to tease him a bit.
"My friend, is shortie jealous?" I say, smirking.

"Oh don't get over yourself. Anyways how was work?" He says, blush on his face, I now can confirm that he gets flustered easily.

"Slow, but not bad. I made a friend, no Karen's, so everything was fine" I say, taking his arms off me before I start cleaning the shop up, I'm sure beomgyu and Taehyun are now gone, so I have to hurry and close.

Tbh 💯💯

A/N: so I don't know what to do for next part, I'll figure that out, but I have writers block rn, soooo.... But anyways today I have a test in maths and I'm sure I'm gonna fail. So #loveyourlife

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2023 ⏰

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