Chapter 3 cont...
8:47 pm
| Keoni |

"Keoni can you please head to my office for a quick minute?" Mrs. Jackie said as she buzzed Keoni's desk. "Will be right up." Keoni told her. "And you can pack your desk, your shift is about to end." Mrs. Jackie responded. Keoni packed up her desk and then made her way up to the office.

"You wanted to see me?" She asked as she walked in. "Yeah ma'am I did, have a seat." Keoni immediately gulped. All she could think about was Trinity storming out. "What if she told them I was being rude to them?" She thought to herself. She went to sit and held her purse in her lap. "Please, calm your nerves. Nothing bad." Mrs. Jackie said.


"I called you in because I was asked a very big favor." She said. Keoni looked a bit of confused because what could this favor possibly be? "Are you familiar with a Luther Mackenzie?" She asked. Luther? "Why would she be asking about Luther?" Keoni thought to herself. "Yes." She said dragging it. "Well, he just came up here and man did he knock out the meeting. We are officially partnering with Jack and Ken's and doing a collab." She said.

"That's amazing. I'm so happy for you and Dr. Jackie." Keoni said as she wiped her hair behind her ear. "Well, don't get too excited because I have some good news for you too." She said as she pulled out a contract. Keoni grabbed it and read over it. "What is this?" She asked her. "This is a contract." Mrs. Jackie said joking. "Well I see that but what is it for?" Keoni asked her. "I guess Mr. McKenzie has a little crush on you because he asked, and I quote, can the beautiful receptionist at the front desk model a couple shoes for us." She said.

Keoni looked up at her and tried to keep down her smile. "He...he said that?" She asked trying now to blush. She didn't know why she was so excited. She had only seen him 3 times in her life. "Yes, he did. And he also said that he wants to schedule a meeting with you tomorrow and so with that being said, you have tomorrow off. That way you can get a newer opportunity and spend time with your babies. Goodnight Ms. O'Dell." Mrs. Jackie said. "Thank you. Thank you so much." Keoni told her as she stood up.

Mrs. Jackie smiled at Keoni and went to give her a hug. "You've been working here since you were 16 Keoni. I've grown to love you like my daughter, I only want to see you prosper." She said. "And speaking of daughters." She added as she pulled away and looked at Keoni. "I see you have met mine." She said. Keoni took a deep sigh and rubbed her forehead. "Yeah." She said.

"It's okay. I know how difficult my Goddaughter can be. But Trinity is a good girl, she just has a lot going on right now." Mrs. Jackie said. "She isn't the only one." Keoni mumbled. "What's going on? Is one of the baby's sick?" She asked. "No. It's nothing. Just a lot of drama with the family and...whatnot." Keoni said. "Well, you know you can always come talk to me. I'm always here to help." She said. Keoni smiled at her and nodded before leaving out her office.

The entire walk to her car, she couldn't do anything but smile and think about what Dr. Jackie told her. "Luther really thinks I'm pretty?" She thought to herself. Her joy quickly escalated to fear and anger when she looked up to see Leo standing a few feet away from her car.

"I know what you're thinking but please let me explain." He said as he walked towards Keoni who was reaching in her purse. "Leave me alone Leo. I have nothing to say to you." She said as she walked closer to her car. "I'm not about to hurt you. I just wanna talk to you." Leo said as he grabbed her arm.

"Well I don't wanna talk to you. So if you'll excuse me." Keoni said as she opened her car door. "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry." He said causing her to pause in her tracks. Leo has never once apologized to Keoni for anything he's done to her. "I really just wanna talk to you. That's it." He said. "Keoni stepped to the side and closed her door.

"You have five minutes to speak and also, this gun is loaded." She told him. "Look, I know I can't take back the past but you deserve an apology." Leo started. "I have no excuse for putting my hands on you back then. Not even drugs can take the blame for it. Treating you like you was never there for me was the biggest mistake I could've ever made." He said. "I know that the chances of us getting back together is at a negative but i at least still wanna be there for my kids." He said.

"Your kids? YOUR kids? You mean the same very kids who you called aggravating?" Keoni asked growing defensive. "I know what I said and I'm not proud of it. I didn't mean any of it. I was high and just strung out on drugs." Leo said. He had a look of genuine remorse on his face. As if he really felt bad.

"I just want to take care of my kids. I'm clean now and haven't even thought about using drugs since I been out. I know it's gonna take you a long time to trust me but give me one more chance. Please." He begged. Keoni stood there and sighed. "Fine. You can come see them only if you're accompanied by me and me only." She said finally.

"But I am gonna say this."

Keoni opened her purse and pulled out the butt of her gun. "One wrong scratch on my baby's while I'm not looking and that's your life." She said. Leo didn't say anything. He only nodded his head and stood there. Keoni put her gun back in her purse and went to get inside her car. Before she pulled off, she rolled her window down and looked at Leo. "You busy right now?" She asked him. "Nah." He responded. Keoni looked inside her car and then back at Leo.

"If Mack can come pick you up, would you like a ride to my house so you can see the kids?" She asked him. Leo looked at her and smiled. "Yeah, I'd love to see my kids." He said. "Get in." Keoni huffed as she watched as Leo got in. She watched him for a few extra seconds before pulling off thinking to herself.

"One wrong move." She thought to herself. "Just one wrong move."

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